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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yeah I know Livvy, but if I pay her, maybe she'll change her diet for a special occasion :P

What's the obvious one I'm missing though o_O?


Y'know what's interesting? My teacher found a study that said there are three ways to make people do things. They're listed in order from most effective to least.

1) Pain

2) Reward

3) Punishment


So, you could beat your dog every time it pees in the house, but that might be considered inhuman (and by might, I mean is)


You could give it a treat when it does go outside though.

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Oh, I just noticed your post on the last page, Will!


Haha I'm guess I'm the Will :P

Hey Livvy. Guess you saw me reading the topic, huh?

Wow, I missed so much, but it's great for you Livvy. It's always nice to know that someone cares that much about you.


Yes, I saw you reading it. :yes:


Oh, thanks! It kinda gets me through the day, you know?


C'mon Will, what is the ONE thing we warn newbies about me?

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Yeah, I was joking (hence the "and by might, I mean is")


Erm...not being scared away?

Being insane?


o_O! I could give you the cookies!


Uh, I wouldn't know much about the sellage of puppies.

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It does! Just... it also makes me go a little... insane...

It's my bane, but if I touch it... Bad things can happen! Exposing me to icing is always taking a dangerous risk. :evil:

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And well, we both know I can let that happen now can I?

You only have a 30 post lead. According to my stats, that should take me...5 days...:(


Crap, I need a new plan.

Erm, Livvy, you won't mind stepping into this closet would you? Oh, what? No no, don't pay any attention to the bolt and lock on the door.

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Heh heh, Livvy, you forgot to close the door *walks out of closet* :P


Aw, my little brother is begging me to get off so he can go on Neopets :(

I guess this is the end to my posting for now.

But I will return...*cue eerie music*

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No, run from the music, run!

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I wasn't planning on closing you in.


I would say I'd give you a break, since you can't post now... but I won't! Actually, I will, because my laptop is dying, and mum should be here to get me soon.

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