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Giovanni Gale

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It is indeed a rare holiday to celebrate, since it only occurs 9 times per century, so live it up guys


A bit late, but I thought I would reply anyways. It's actually 10 times a century, if we do a bit of fiddling with mathematics.











10^2=**00 OR (if you want to be precise) 10^2=*100 (once a millennium)

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Haha, look at that, I will so pass fail this bio test.


Hey wait a minute, I said i would pass fail this test.




Doing what?


What you're doing. It's driving me crazy. I want to pass fail this tes- HEY HEY HEY STOP THAT!


I guess it was never meant to be.






Ha you got that right



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I hereby declare that Laura shall PASS her bio test!


*hunts for strait jacket*


I'm cold. It's chilly where I am. I think I should get a jacket. ...*edges away from strait jacket*

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Haha Laura's inner voice is making fun of her again :P


A bit late, but I thought I would reply anyways. It's actually 10 times a century, if we do a bit of fiddling with mathematics.











10^2=**00 OR (if you want to be precise) 10^2=*100 (once a millennium)

Actually, only the last two digits of the year are considered, so the perfect square has to be only two digits. :yes:

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:P But doesn't it? It looks like something they would worship!


I do think it's kind of regal, in a weird, creepy-ish way. It doesn't look all that bad once you get past the whole baldness thing. And I'm sure it's a REALLY sweet cat too. I ran across this cat once when I was on a school fieldtrip (the kind where you spend the night for a while), and everyone else avoided it because its fur was a strange texture, it was missing part of its tail, its eye was messed up, and it just in general looked UGLY. But it was so sweet. You could look at it and it would purr; it just wanted to be loved SO badly.


There's my empathetic side showing. I always connect more to the underdog. Or undercat.

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Aww. =[ Well, maybe someone else has taken him in and is taking good care of him now!


Haha, I can just picture a dog with a mane. :P


It is sad. We do that to people too. We pity the starving African children when we want kids to eat their peas, but any other time, we just ignore it. It's so sad.

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Wow, that is really powerful. That's... so true. I had no idea we spent so much on something so trivial when we could be spending so much less on something that would mean so much. Wow... Great video, Will.

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I'll talk to some of the people at church and see if I can get this shown during worship services around Christmas. It's really pointed, and it's something my church would love to do. :O I'll talk to Jeff, the youth director! He'll love it!

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