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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I've seen parts of Transformers, but never the whole thing.


Oh my! I just got back from my friend's house and boy did we go crazy, we ran around her basement screaming, "SWIM AWAY FUGU FISH! SWIM AWAY!"


and all sorts of other Charlie the Unicorn things.

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Lol Charlie the Unicorn...

I remember when that was in a conversation just about every day at school.


I wonder if I were to make some random animation that made absolutely no sense if I'd be famous too :P

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This may be the biggest amount of pages 'consumed' within a day of this topic :P


I had a running test in the gym today. Its called the 'beep test' XP

I got a pretty average score :/


I'm going to Goat Island tomorrow (a marine reserve) and I have to be at school by 7am! The joy!

And....its 8 15 pm now. Better sleep early....or maybe not.

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Can I? Is it physically possible for me to do that?


(lol, I just needed to get that out)


And lol, right after my last post here, I got kicked off. By the time I could come back, I wasn't up to it.



:\ I woke up an hour ago. still like 2 to go until my sister gets up, and she gets up earliest around here.

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7 AM Stephanie? That's nothing! I've had to be at school at 4 AM on two occasions! That was NOT fun.


We got NO snow today or last night. But school is still out. And Charlotte, which isn't that far from where I live, got 4 inches. Weird.


I was sound asleep by 10 last night. That's like... a record for me recently. And I slept until 8, so that's...10 hours. Nice!


Agh, I have tons of homework to make up today... gr... I'd say yell at me if I got online, but I'll be online anyway, so don't yell.


You should try it, Will! I promise to watch your nonsensical animation :)


Ugh, I remember Charlie the Unicorn. I've never seen it, but I've had it quoted to me in its entirety, funny high-pitched voices and all. It was... interesting.

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o_O How did you count that?


Aww. =[ I feel yelled at.


Oh, I forgot: Has anyone seen the quarter of our conversation I laboriously quoted? I probably need to take some stuff out... but it was all so entertaining!

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I didn't count it, you can click on a link next to the topic saying how many posts there are, and it will show how much each person posted there.


Sorry for the yelling, it was just, so, tempting.


And where is the quarter of it you quoted?

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that's why, I was on the wrong page of it ;b


Want to know something weird?


I'm listening to music, with headphones plugged into the computer. Whenever the image on the screen changes, the ear-buds start making a crackeling noise.


I didn't know lcd screens did that o_O

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