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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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What's leprechaun juice made out of?


The chatter here died down after about 3 hours, and I'm quite relieved. I need to finish writing my application for a school.

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... *giggles* ... *laughs a little* ... *laughs very loudly*


I have no idea why I'm laughing... except that this was probably the second most interesting three hours of my LIFE! Which is sad, but... HA!


(*person to side says "I think Livvy's lost her brain..."*)

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I dunno what it's actually made of, I just called what I had leprechaun juice because it was green. :/ I hope there aren't any actual leprechauns though, they've already caused enough trouble to the unicorns...



What was the most interesting three hours you've had?

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Wow. Twenty pages today.


The concert, definitely. Full blown ADHD and icing! WOOT!

Sounds awesome. x3 Rofl @ the icing picture. I was going to go to a Skillet concert but something came up with the drama I was in. Dx

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Wow this board really slowed down! I finished my German project and I'm halfway through my history project and we only had less than a page!


Still, 21 pages today was pretty awesome :P


100th post today! Livvy has 170 posts today though <_<. Oh noes! I don't have a 200 post lead anymore! :O

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It was AWESOME! The people I went with had volunteered with the local Christian radio station, and it was Sarah's birthday, so we had our own little room and a rather large cake. And... all this is on my profile, by the way, but if you want me to retell it, I can. :D

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I don't know how it was for the rest of the people who had to be crammed in with a bunch of other people, but I had fun up in the little room. I wouldn't have liked it if I'd been down in the crowd though. Crowds frighten me.

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