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Giovanni Gale

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Haha, good luck with that, Will. ;) If you ever do look like that, let me know so I can be like "Wohmigosh! *faints*"


Or if you meet someone who looks like that, that would work too.



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If I ever saw someone that looked like that, I'd be like "Ohh *faints*" Okay, more like "Ohh *stares with dreamy look in eyes* *faints*"

Aw, you edited this post.



I wish everyone looked like anime people. How cool would that be? I mean, it's not only the guys that'd look cool.

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Shall I go back and un-edit it for you?


True! Us girls would be gorgeous! (Of course, I already am :P Just kidding.) My friend decided to draw me anime once. I was very pretty in anime form. ^_^

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Lol no I just had to comment on that so that when people read this they aren't like "erm, Will's asking a question that would answered by reading the post" :P


I've never been drawn anime before. I think that'd be interesting.

But I mean, it's always that anime people are always super gorgeous or ugly to an extent where it's funny. Nowhere in between. It'd be totally awesome :thumbsup:

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Lol. I love/hate it when posts are edited, disrupting a conversation. It's so wonderful to see people confused, but I hate it when I'm the confused one.


Sorry to suddenly cut into the conversation, but I'm ridiculously overjoyed. One of my favorite authors (D.J. Machale) is coming to visit a bookstore that's about 10 minutes from my school on Wednesday. I can't believe that it's this bookstore, since this isn't part of a tour and it's a small bookstore. YAY!!! (I'm sounding like a girl, aren't I?)

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I want to live in an anime world now. It would be amazing. :yes: Gorgeous guys... cool stories... no sunburn... gorgeous guys...


(I'm not really that obsessed with guys, I promise.)


Only a little bit, Polemarch. =P

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Don't forget the hot girls! :P


I wish some authors would visit where I live, but I live in Amish country Lancaster, where nobody comes and nothing happens.


Well, I'm gonna have to leave for tonight. I have church to go to tomorrow. G'night everyone!

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There are pretty girls in this world, you're just overlooking them. Now, the guys on the other hand... not so much. =P


Haha, you live in Amish country? Aw, poor you. Nothing happens where I live either, and I live within (five minutes of) the capital of our state. We've just got a boring capital.


Good night Will!

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I lied, this is my last post for tonight :P


Lol I know there are, but all of those pretty girls only date the prettiest of guys, and sadly I don't fall into that category.

Buuuuttt, if every girl was pretty, then there wouldn't be enough pretty guys to go around, now would there?


Amish country really isn't that bad. The Amish have their communities, and everyone else lives elsewhere. It's just sometimes annoying when you're stuck behind one of their buggies, and sometimes the smell of their fertilizers is really bad, and it's annoying when they harvest/plant crops since there's a cornfield right in our backyard (it's really loud). We have electricity though, don't worry (seriously, when I was in Massachusetts people were like "Do you have electricity???" <_<)

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That's not true! I'm a pretty girl, and I don't date pretty guys! :P And besides, the really truly pretty ones don't care about looks. That's what makes them pretty. :yes:


I'm sure it must be interesting, to say the least. Well since you're talking to me on the computer, I'd assume you have electricity. =P


Have I been excessively using smilies? Yes, I have excessively been using smilies.

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Well, not only were my ancestors Amish, they were GERMAN! :woot:



Oh wait... that's not right.... what was it again? Oh yes, some were also Mormon. But that's not as fun as being GERMAN! :woot:

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Here's the current thing keeping me from going completely insane http://www.casualcollective.com/games/The_Space_Game

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Chocolate milk is very good at making people feel better. :yes:

And boy, have you guys talked a lot since I was gone. The stupid connection for my internet went down again. :(


But now I'm back, but I missed all the good stuff...

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True, true, Rosyfinch! (I'm secretly trying to beat both Will and Revenge to FMdom. I doubt it'll happen though. =P )


By the way, do you want us to call you Rosyfinch, or should we call you something else? I'm just wondering.

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