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I do that frequently. I fall asleep sometime between 2 and 4 AM with the laptop on my lap and a quarter of my homework unfinished. 'tis not healthy, as it leads to dark circles around my eyes and laptop burns in odd places. =\


The laptop didn't burn me, and I naturally have dark circles under my eyes, so I guess I'm good. But I have been known to fall asleep on top of my homework. When I wake up, my papers are all crinkly! :O


Oh, a while back, when I had somehow bruised my hip bone, we decided it was probably from falling asleep on a textbook... Ought to tell you something about my homework load, eh?


Hm... you seem like a Jorge to me. Not so much a Ferdinand. Ferdinand makes you sound stuff and ruler-y. :yes:


Oh. XP Suffy. No, wait, stufy. No, ergh. =_= *bangs head on keyboard* gffth STUFFY!


(My stomach hurts from laughing... and it's not even that funny XD )


Hey sorry for not being on to ask your thrice-asked question :P. I had a lot of stuff to do.


But yeah, Swing Vote is a movie that takes place when there's an Presidential election going on. Both of the candidates are very close, with the electoral votes down to 267 and 268, and the last state that hasn't been determined yet is New Mexico. As it turns out, New Mexico is pretty even too. So a guy named Bud has a daughter who tries to get him to vote, but instead he gets drunk and forgets about it. His daughter feels like he should still vote, so she goes in to vote for him, but as she's making the vote, the power is cut, and the ballot was scanned but not cast. So now Bud has to recast his vote. Now a couple days later, New Mexico is actually split 50-50 on the votes, so Bud's vote is now the vote that'll decide who becomes the President. So yeah, a swing vote, since Bud's really stupid and has no idea what's going on. It was definitely a good movie.


P.S. I like Ferdinand better than Jorge. I mean, with Jorge, wouldn't people be like "isn't it spelled G-E-O-R-G-E??" all the time.


Ohh. But Ferdinand makes her sound stuff! :P *gasp* Geof! Not Jeff. Not Jeffry. Not even Geoffry. Geof. Yes, it's amazing!


I have a friend named Geoffry. I always thought that it was because his parent's didn't know it was spelled Jeffry.


I'd pick a Japanese name. Something like Toshiro Hitsugaya (pronounced hit-sue-gaia) would do :yes:


It was originally spelled Geoffry, then lazy Americans decided Jeffry was shorter. :P But I think Geof looks awesomer than Jeff. :yes:


Ooh, that name sounds cool! But then people would be like "...eh? How do you say that again?"


But then you could be like "I don't care that you can't say my name, since I'm named after a teen aged fictional spiky-white-haired captain of the 10th division of death gods who has a freaking amazing sword called a 'zanpakuto' and can control the power of water and ice :P. WHUT NOW?"


*looks at picture* Ohh... it's... WHY ARE THE ANIME GUYS ALWAYS SO CUTE??


:eh: Did I just say that out loud? Heh heh, oops. :*


Lol yeah I agree. I'm not gonna lie, but I'd love to look like that. I always wanted spiky hair like that. The white is a plus :P (and it's not the old geezer white!)

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