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Ugh. I suck at Photoshop and that stuff. And was my other set that depressing?? Somebody should of told me.


P.S Astrophysicis, your addition is a bit scary. No offense.


I don't remember your last set, but if it was Grey, I probably would've found it too depressing XD. Some people must have liked it, though. Grey stuff is popular on Neopets.

Ugh. I suck at Photoshop and that stuff. And was my other set that depressing?? Somebody should of told me.


P.S Astrophysicis, your addition is a bit scary. No offense.



Yey!!! Thanks TA!!! *goes back to reading tutorial*


Myriad: Your siggy & avie before was of the grey farie right???

I thought it was okay, it wasn't that depressing. It was pretty actualy!

Guest �strophysicist
Astrophysicis, your addition is a bit scary. No offense.

Thank you, I guess I have done well then. Change eye color of my face and you have a demon.

a demon would be too scary!



Yes, indeed....*nods in agreement* a demon WOULD be too scary.


Hey, you guys, isn't TNT supposed to release a new part of the plot today??? I hope they do.....


I should get started on a new set...I'll change after the end of the giveaway!


***=O!!! Can you believe there are 900 people who entered???***


give aways are popular...


guess what?! I got soooooo close to passing confuciosnz while ellie and I were fighting for second, so I have to stop playing for my BDay, am tooo busy during the week, and I just had a party! So know I'm in second, but since there not on...




God, I have about...1100 posts less than you....but I'm not racing for first. I try not to spam to my best ability, & I try not to make my posts worthless....


HW plot's comming along! I just dug up a grave for the....3rd time...and I'm currently trying to test.... Bleh. people always get there before me!


I still don't get the vine part! *sniffle* could someone help me?


I also do it for fun! It just is cool to have a lot of posts....then about everyone will know me...I'm only about 10 posts away from confuciousnz an ellie, that's how close we are.


Well, since this is random....


And we're zany to the max

So just sit back and relax

You'll laugh 'til you collapse

We're Animaniacs!


Come join the Warner Brothers

And the Warner Sister, Dot

Just for fun we run around the Warner movie lot.

They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught

But we break loose and then vamoose

And now you know the plot!


We're Animaniacs!

Dot is cute and Yakko yaks.

Wakko packs away the snacks

While Bill Clinton plays the sax.

We've got wisecracks by the stacks.

We pay tons of income tax.

We're Animaniacs!


Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe.

Meet Ralph and Dr Scratchansniff; say hi to Hello Nurse.

Goodfeathers flock together; Slappy whacks 'em with her purse.

Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings a verse.

The writers flipped; we have no script

Why bother to rehearse?


We're Animaniacs!

We have pay-or-play contracts.

We're zany to the max

There's baloney in our slacks.

We're Animanie,

Totally insaney

Here's the show's namey

Pinky and The Brainy

Come back, Shaney

The rain in Spainy


How urbaney

Citizen Kaney

Andromeda Strainy

Where's Lon Chaney?

Eisenhower Mamie

Miss Cellany

Chicken Chow Meiny

Dana Delaney

No pain, no gainy


Money down the drainy

Penny Laney


Tarzan and Janey


Here's the Flamey

Meet Mark Twainy

Presidential campaigny

Hunchback of Notre Damey

Bowling laney

Bangor, Mainey

Frasier Craney

Mister Haney

Quiche lorrainey

Lake Champlainy

High octaney

Public domainy

Candy caney


Those are the facts.


animaniacs...i forgot about that....


Could someone tell me what to do when i have the vines in The Tale of Woe?


Okay you have to keep on searching until you find a section where there's a big view of the woods (you will see one tree on each side and two paths). Once you are there, you have to start laying down your vines on the ground, by just clicking on the inventory and on each vine. Your objective is to make the rope strong, but not too long. In order to know this, you have to click on the air on the top once you think your rope is strong enough.

Okay you have to keep on searching until you find a section where there's a big view of the woods (you will see one tree on each side and two paths). Once you are there, you have to start laying down your vines on the ground, by just clicking on the inventory and on each vine. Your objective is to make the rope strong, but not too long. In order to know this, you have to click on the air on the top once you think your rope is strong enough.


okay, thanks...but whta if it say that it is strong enough, but too short?

okay, thanks...but whta if it say that it is strong enough, but too short?


In that case, what I would do is take out a strong vine and add two soft ones. A forum member recommended that you start by laying down the first 2 set of vines on the floor, then click on the air and read what it says. After that go back to ur vine inventory and click on the last vine and then click on the air and so on until it tells you that your rope is strong enough.

Guest �strophysicist

You're still stuck on the vine? Oh well, I haven't started on the new part yet.


What's up? I am just going to be available for a few hours. I will be back around 6:00pm nst tomorrow.


Make sure you have signed up for the battle tounament, sign up ends Monday. http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtopic=1521


Gawd, I suggest you all start on the new thing --- the graveyards are getting dug up like CRAZY!!!


Seems like there won't be much left by tomorow!!!


Check the news & the forum, it's VERY EASY.




^ Jasper's guide is very good; It explains about everything;


Question: what battle tournament TA???

Anyways. I'm sick. and I can'tbelieve I slept until....1: 20 something PM!!! Nst ---btw.

Guest �strophysicist

This new part sucks, coupled with the fact that I HAVE DIAL UP!!! (well not right now, I am on another computer) This part could stop me if I don't complete it soon.


You have dial up? I had it and It really bugged me. Your eyes are still scary. And wow, you guys talk a lot in 1 day.

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