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Giovanni Gale

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I'm sooo sick of websites. I applied for a job at a pet shop. I don't care if I get like, $10 less pay per hour. Whatever. Wish me luck! I love animals. They don't make me angry like websites. Haha.




Fourth one.

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*crosses fingers hopefully* If they get any sense of how much you love animals - and I've gotten a pretty good sense of that just talking to you on here - you'll get it.


Your bunnies ate your cell phone charger? That's... unhealthy. o_O

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o_O What made you sick of websites? I know some are total crap but... well, websites are kinda like people. There are good ones, bad ones, and ones in between. :yes:


I just set a new record for stating the obvious didn't I? :P

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I don't know



What game was it?
Fable tlc for PC. look for mods of it on youtube, a whole lot of them are very funny (aka, giant chicken shooting lightning bolts)


I was sitting in a chair this morning. I just decided to collapse. so I fell onto the floor. now my back & part of my neck hurts like hell on top of everything else, & I can't take any more painkillers yet. And I have to go to school.



yay, another wonderful day in my life :eh:

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The people at school today had a hard time believing me about the icing fight. :P I haven't told Michael yet though; wonder how he'll react...


Anyway! How's life going? I'm feeling a bit cheery today, and I don't know why, because it's Monday and you're not supposed to be cheerful on Monday. Hm...

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Hm. Sorry you've been having a bad day. What happened with the chair, by the way? I know you smashed it and blew it up with a virtual sledgehammer and virtual C4 (respectively), but what did it do to deserve it?


EDIT: Oh, just noticed above. That wasn't very nice of it to do. :( Glad the music's keeping you semi-sane though. (Wouldn't want you totally sane or you wouldn't fit in around here. Insanity is an entrance requirement. =P)

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I was just sitting on the chair doing schoolwork with the tutor. Then I heard the sound of wood cracking. Then one of the legs fell off and the chair collapsed. I fell on the floor.



But at least I was smart enough to keep my head from hitting the ground. I may have bad back & neck pain, but at least I didn't get a concussion.

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I can't install many things here. They would all take forever and a half to finish installing, and thins thing has as good a memory storage as my short-term memory. <_<


If I had my own computer with as much memory as you could fit in it, I'd put the coolest stuff there. Plus I'd have my own computer, bonus coolness.

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Okay, so I got really bored a bit ago and remembered something Revenge had said about Ian searching ianrawks in the search bar, so I searched 'Ians cool'. I stumbled upon the quotes page, read the first to pages, and had to bite my finger to keep myself from laughing hard enough to get mum's attention and consequently get myself in trouble. I now have (very deep) bite marks in my finger, but it was worth it! It was just that funny! (And I would sound so much more excited if I wasn't suffering a strange pain in my finger. Ouch.)


Oh, oh, guess what! I has.... *drumroll* ICE CREAM!! Yay ^_^


*rereads quotes* *holds breath to keep self from laughing* *dies*


Almost makes me wish I were staff... but then I would have died like 50 million times by now, and even fools don't die that often. x_x

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Hm... *thinks of mod who may be willing to revive a dead topic*

Well, since it was our mods' favorite topic ('cuz it says so in the title), I suppose we could ask them....


Hm. I'm feeling tired. And random. Which is bad, because I need to be focused. ... Darn you, history homework...

I don't think I took my ADHD meds tonight. o_O That could be a bad thing.


Yup, definitely didn't take them. Oh well.


*sigh* Okay then. On to homework. =] At least it's something I enjoy. For once sine, cosine, and tangent MEAN something.

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I remember that topic. I read it all the time at first, but then it got to the point where I didn't get what was going on, since there were inside jokes and everything.


Sin, cos, and tan? It's not math is it? I hate math. It's so boring. I mean it's useful, just a pain to do.

Can't wait to take AP Calc! </sarcasm>

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A reply! Yay!! I was getting tired of talking to myself. =P


I'm sure I missed some of the inside jokes, but most of it was still funny. I had to bite myself to keep from laughing. Ah, the things people will say...


Math is cool! It's fun to manipulate numbers. (Sooo much easier to manipulate than people :evil: ) I'll be taking AP Calc next year. Maybe we'll have the same homework. :P

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