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Giovanni Gale

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Me too! For games I'm actually good at :P.


But really, there was such a long time between the 'A Day at the Beach' avvy and the newest one, 'Altador Cup Player'. I hope it doesn't take that long again.


Whoa! It was 11 months! That's madness!

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I just came back from a concert, and it was AMAZING!! It was a Christian rock concert, and while the music was awesome, I had SO MUCH FUN!! I went with some of my friends, and some of their friends, etc., and we had our own private room because they had volunteered to help out with WMHK (the Christian radio station), and so we could sing and dance and be totally crazy all in the comfort of one room, and there were these twins who are my age who are pretty cute and apparently one of them likes me a bit because when we had the icing fight and I had icing in my hair he took a napkin and wet it and wiped all the icing out of my hair very carefully - aww! - but unfortunately my nose is now stained blue as well as part of my cheek, but it was still much fun, and we had a balloon fight too and two HUGE cakes, and then I was dancing like an idiot and having the most fun I can remember ever having in my LIFE!


*inhales* Of course, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I didn't take my ADHD meds...

lol, sounds interesting.


Has anyone here seen the fenslerfilm gi joe psa announcments?

Their amazingly funny.



note that there is a bit of crude language in them.

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You sure had a great time Livvy!
lol, sounds interesting.
@Livvy it sounds like you had fun :)

I did. I did indeed. ^_^


Does anyone know if you can get the ITTPD avvy with a Pant Devil Attractor? Someone on the TP said you could but I'm not too sure! EST is only 1,200... not very close to 5 mil :P.

I think what they meant (probably) was that you can make it more likely to attract the Pant Devil with it. Which is pretty stupid because you don't really WANT the Pant Devil to show up; you just want the avvie. (Right?) But I'm pretty sure that's what they meant.

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Well the Pant Devil Attractor really just makes the Pant Devil take that instead of an item if he does come to take anything from you. It doesn't actually make the Pant Devil more likely to appear.

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Yes, they ought to. :yes:


I'm still a little ditsy from last night. I'd say tipsy, since that's kind of how I'm acting, but I've never had anything alcoholic in my life, so I suppose that wouldn't be the right word to use. Anyway, I'm still acting somewhat blond and hyper. :P

P.S. There are pics from the icing fight on my profile.

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wow livvy you sure looks like you have lots of fun. I don't really like alcohol myself because of the smell of it and the taste. I will prefer those alcoholic soft drinks :D

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I think it's actually always greater than 5 mil, no matter how many items you have.

It says 1 mil if it's single on Sunnyneo, but I dunno how they got that number.


P.S. There are pics from the icing fight on my profile.

:O There are pictures of you on your profile?!? *goes to see*


You actually looked a lot different than how I pictured you in my mind.

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Haha yes we all pictured you as a bunny xD


No, it's not a bad thing. It's just different. I mean I expected glasses for one lol (just because of your avatar from a while back). And I dunno. It's just different than my impression of you. You know how like how you read a book, and then when you see the movie you're like "oh that's not how I pictured him/her..." Well it's like the same thing.


Don't worry, it's not cause you look bad.

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*twitches nose and wiggles ears while munching on a carrot*


I know what you mean. I do that all the time with books. And I look a bit different in those pics than I normally do because I was being really crazy that night. I'm generally calmer. 0:)


I actually should have glasses, but... um... Well, I'd wear them if I knew where they were!

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Hm... *thinks*


I picture you as kind of on the tall side of average, brown/black hair, intelligent, no glasses, brown eyes, on the thin side of normal.


But I'm probably way off since you remind me of a Will I know (personality-wise) and my image of him makes my image of you a little biased. *shrug*


(Oh crap... *groan* I have blue and red icing in my shirt...)

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Eh, not too bad. I have glasses though :P

I'm Asian, so brown hair really won't apply. And I'm on the tall side of average for Asians, but not in general. So you were pretty close :D


Lol can't you just change your shirt?

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Yes, but I like this shirt, and I don't want it to stain permanently. When I got home at 12:30 last night I got on here, posted a bit, then crashed, still in the clothes I was wearing that the concert. =P I was REALLY tired.

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Only if muffins are average height and somewhat thin with long-ish brown hair pulled back in a ponytail.


I didn't know you were Asian, Will. Hm... I just noticed that I never really imagine colors or ethnicities for the people on here... We all seem the same non-ethnicity, non-age. I talk to 12-year-olds and 20-year-olds like we're the same age. ... It's kinda cool. =]

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How'd you know that?


Well actually, I don't look like that. :P


I'm average height. People say I'm skiiny, but I'm exactly at the average weight for my height. I don't usually wear a ponytail, except for gym and on bad days. My hair is a little longer than shoulder length, and it's light brown.



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