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Giovanni Gale

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Actually it was Foxytunes screwing everything up, but now when I click save as, Quicktime asks me to by pro

*sigh* Technology


Btw, I like your quote at the bottom Revenge.


Edit: Nevermind, I got it :D, though I had to use an add-on.

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Oh.... my lord. What have I missed? I come back to see people talking about me? And this isn't even the welcome thread section!


You're just awesome like that, Laura. :)




Because we were talking about you?

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ship captain!


Funky donkey!


(those encrypted messages, encrypted with the way my brain processes info)




I'm so freaking irritated at life >:(

but this lightened my mood a little

that's another reason I wouldn't get one of those smart cars.

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It's always better to have bigger cars, since it's more safer than you (but more dangerous for everyone else :P)

It used to be that all cars were roughly the same size, so car accidents weren't as bad a while ago as now.


So it's not smart buying a smart car xD

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Wow that car crumpled like paper!


you dad fixes cars? that's cool. I'm kinda thinking about learning to do that to take care of my truck


I like my truck, it's an El Camino, i'm not sure how old it is, but it's about 14 years old.

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Oy I love El Camino's! I would so like to have one, I think they are so very me.

But I don't know enough about cars to try and take care of an older car like that.


And actually the research on smart cars that I have seen says they are very safe. You can even see on that video how the car's front end squishes, but even after it flips and stuff the part of the car with the passenger in it is totally intact and fine. I mean I guess you could get totally run over by someones disgusting land yacht, but that could happen to anyone not driving an SUV or truck. I love the smart cars. I would buy one in heart bear.

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I just came back from a concert, and it was AMAZING!! It was a Christian rock concert, and while the music was awesome, I had SO MUCH FUN!! I went with some of my friends, and some of their friends, etc., and we had our own private room because they had volunteered to help out with WMHK (the Christian radio station), and so we could sing and dance and be totally crazy all in the comfort of one room, and there were these twins who are my age who are pretty cute and apparently one of them likes me a bit because when we had the icing fight and I had icing in my hair he took a napkin and wet it and wiped all the icing out of my hair very carefully - aww! - but unfortunately my nose is now stained blue as well as part of my cheek, but it was still much fun, and we had a balloon fight too and two HUGE cakes, and then I was dancing like an idiot and having the most fun I can remember ever having in my LIFE!


*inhales* Of course, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I didn't take my ADHD meds...

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Wow, that sounds like an exhilarating time. I have never had an icing fight before, ;(. Does it get stuck in your hair like some other things do? Like sparkles? ._. Gah, never gone to a concert before. Never wanted to spend the money, though it sounds wonderful. <3

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I'm busy trying to un-break window resizing on my computer. I should really keep track of the random code changes I make so that I know what to revert. xD


(By saying that, I've made sure I'll never do it :P )

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Well, uh, you could try my solution and just stay awake the whole time. :evo:


Or you could check out some boring stuff here. :P


Or... I dunno. Good luck though!

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Well I pretty much run on caffeine, so it doesn't make that much difference to me. xD If I'm tired, I just get more. Apparently it's nearly impossible to take a fatal overdose of caffeine with regular coffee, so I'm pretty comfortable with it. :P

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