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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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:( Aww. Well I hope whatever's bothering you goes away sooner than you expect it to.


Ha, yeah. When I don't get on here, I get my homework done by like, midnight. :mellow: But then I end up staying up even later trying to catch up on posts I missed. I think I'm addicted =P

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Haha I do the same thing. I'm usually up late catching up on posts and posting here.

I might be addicted. But I don't care. You guys are worth it :)


Oh, and welcome back Revenge. :D (Nice sig by the way)

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Oh, I've already finished most of the hand-in type stuff. I'm just waiting for a friend to get online so we can study. (She's in all of my classes but one, so we study together often.)


Hm... Well until this addiction shows signs of hurting me, I'm going to enjoy it! It's nice to know I've got awesome people to talk to pretty much all hours of the day.



I might be addicted. But I don't care. You guys are worth it :)

Aww... =]

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Well yeah. TDN isn't like a drug addiction. Just something we spend a lot of time on :D


Lol I remember when I first joined I was hesitant to post on this board.

The first month or so of my TDNbership I spent most of my time on the word games boards.

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When I first joined, I thought anyone with a blue box thing (Content Staff, News Team, Super Member, etc.) under their name was a mod of some sort. I was actually scared of them. XP


I only posted in the Neopets section for a while. Then I found this area and met a bunch of super-cool people, and then I couldn't leave. :D I spend a bit too much time on here... but y'all are worth 4 hour nights. ^_^

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I was just intimidated by the fact that everyone on this board seemed to close. But I remember it was Syn-Chan who was new and started posting here, and I saw that she got along pretty well, so I was like, sure, I'll give it a shot, and well, here I am :)


I'm glad I found these forums. I actually originally joined this only for the ALP. This is much cooler though b)


I'd rather be here than do homework anyway. I mean, homework isn't fun.

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I was just intimidated by the fact that everyone on this board seemed to close. But I remember it was Syn-Chan who was new and started posting here, and I saw that she got along pretty well, so I was like, sure, I'll give it a shot, and well, here I am :)


I'm glad I found these forums. I actually originally joined this only for the ALP. This is much cooler though b)


Same here! I joined for the ALP, and then just yesterday I realized I'd totally forgotten about the ALP!


I was scared by the closeness too. All the inside jokes and stuff... I was so afraid everyone would be like "Go away, new person. You're embarrassing us." But now I'm part of the closeness too! And I love confusing the newbies about the cookies :P

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Lol that's true, since unfortunately, that's how it is in life. The new kid in a school is always shunned because they're new (at least where I am).


Haha, and I just hope we're not scaring away too many newbies with our closeness :P

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*laughs very much out loud* Wow, that was... that was AMAZING. Well done, Will, FTX, and the ever talented musician Revenge! *applauds*


*notices that she has been using the '*'s a lot today, as well as =] *

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*just saw your question*


It's a long story of news team jokes, but basically I'm a toaster, Alice is a computer...

And TJ was telling Alice that he was going to bounce and take the Toaster with him to give him "food."

But instead of food he said foot. And then we laughed for like a million years. So I made it my signature.

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@Livvy: Thanks :D *bows*






Oh noes!

She's eaten my toes!

Now I have toeless woes!

It hurts much more than she knows!

I'm running out of idea-os!



[pants solo]


Laura Eats Toes

Does Not Pick Her Noes

Well Do You Suppose

That Maybe Owes

A Debt To The Moes

For 800 of Those?

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