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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Hm...*looks at last couple of pages*, well I don't think much really happened. This topic basically bounced from subject to subject. Revenge left for a little while, but he'll be back eventually. And that's about it.


Lol I just noticed that you are Strategos. And here I was thinking you were someone new xD

Btw, where's your dragcave guide?

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Euch. Sorry it's not going well. My week has been... meh. It hasn't been terrible, but it hasn't been great either. I definitely failed a 100 point essay in History because I had gotten a whole 2 hours of sleep the night before because I was trying to finish the homework for the same class. It was... bad. I was really hyper all day, and then after lunch, I just crashed. I started crying in the middle of class, too... for no reason. I had a project due Tuesday but didn't have it done because of the same time-consuming homework assignment.


However, the good points of this week:

I found out that my guy friend has carried around the Valentine's Card I made him ever since I gave it to him. ^_^

I've actually gotten SOME sleep recently, after my near-all-nighter.

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Sleep is good. very good.



Problem with me & sleep is that I either need to be up for days or to have my pain meds in me.



now this britened my mood.


I don't have anything that can play it. It's just funny that their putting it on them. I loved cheating that game over in school when I was like 7.

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I've actually never played that game before. I've heard of it before though.


Euch. Sorry it's not going well. My week has been... meh. It hasn't been terrible, but it hasn't been great either. I definitely failed a 100 point essay in History because I had gotten a whole 2 hours of sleep the night before because I was trying to finish the homework for the same class. It was... bad. I was really hyper all day, and then after lunch, I just crashed. I started crying in the middle of class, too... for no reason. I had a project due Tuesday but didn't have it done because of the same time-consuming homework assignment.

Y'know the weird thing is that I've never felt hyper, or have ever crashed before, but apparently it's pretty common. I mean, you give any person in my grade 6 cans of soda and they're hyper, and then you give me the same thing, and nothing.

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I've never heard or played Oregon trail before.


The past week was... terrible.


I felt kinda depressed everyday after school. Maybe 'depressed' isn't the right word, but I've felt pretty isolated.


I've had people mock me after I presented the school assembly, countless times from a guy who's forcing me to smile, when I'm at the verge of tears and feeling........out of place.


But I'll just start the next day normally. Just pretend the other days didn't happen.

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Soda does nothing for me. I only do the hyper-crash thing when I'm sleep deprived. It's like first my body is like "Okay, gotta stay awake, gotta stay awake, come on, wake up, gotta keep moving, wake up wake up wake up!" so it pumps tons of adrenaline or whatever and makes me really hyper. Then it just goes "You know what, forget you. You let me get this tired, you can just deal with it." and I completely crash. It's not fun.


Aww... *hugs Stephanie* You're never out of place with us. =]

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That grin is soo scray, no wonder the christmas wocky was scared, *shakes*,I never crash at lass, when I didnt sleep enough, I will go to school pretend I slep for 10 hours and then as soon as I get to my house I crash on my bed and sleep, But I still can sleep for sooo long (I slept 17 hours STRAIGHT once) and felt sleepy again after and hour and the total was 20-ish something.

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anyone seen this site yet?


HAHA that's a really funny site xD

And it's so true lol


Sleep? Oh, I got like 4 hours of that stuff last night, and really couldn't pull myself out of bed, so I missed the bus, but oh well, I feel fine now.

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Yup. That I am. My sleep scale is something like this:


6+ hours: HA, never happens

6 hours: 'Woah, this is what sleep feels like??'

5 hours: a bit on the sleepy side of normal

4 hours: decent, and I can function fairly normally

3 hours: meh, I can function fine, but I get sorta irritable

2 hours: giddy in the morning, totally crash in the afternoon

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Rawr. The thing about vacation is I always take advantage of my sleepiness. Usually I just sleep seven hours and feel like it was just two, but on vacation I can fulfill my need and sleep a good 14+ hours per vacation night.


And I always feel awesome. For the moment anyway. And then reality kicks in...

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