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Giovanni Gale

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xD My friend has already sworn not to come to school tomorrow. She's really superstitious about that stuff.


I'm being overrun by Content staffers. :O

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I'm only on trial :P. Not proper yet!


Oo I love spooky stuff. NZ doesn't do Halloween, I'm sooo going to experience it in America sometime. I might look a little crazy trick-or-treating at my age so I'll take some kids too. I WANT TO DRESS UP AND HAND OUT CANDY.

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I don't think so.

We do see ONE or TWO people out and about dressing up but no decorations from what I've seen.

I just like giving out the candy. XD


But I guess the US is another story?

Ok, so I see on the movies that you guys make a big deal out of Halloween and probably any other celebration we keep quiet some of the time. :P

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Friday the 13th... I hadn't noticed until it was mentioned here. xD Just another Friday as far as I'm concerned.


I feel like throwing in a plug for something... so:

Mastery of The Arts!

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I used to dislike Valentine's Day because I never have a Valentine, but now I realize that I've got friends, and they're so much more important than a boyfriend, so Valentine's day is the day I thank them for being my friends. ^_^

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