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I'm not sure if the weather itself would approve but I'd love to :)


Apparently yesterday was the hottest in 100 years but who am I to know. *shrugs*


What was the temperature?


And who cares if the weather disagrees? xP


35-ish degrees celsius in other places but in Auckland I think it was in the late 20's.


Doubt that it was the hottest in 100 years but probably 10 years?


I'll see how the weather turns out. XD


Wow. That's an average summer day in Texas. The hottest I've ever been in is 42 degrees Celcius. xP


Gimmie that weather.


It's been lovely and cold here today! Rainy the past two days! I'm so sick of the hot summer weather. I feel your pain Stephanie :(.


And I've been enjoying the warmer days we've had recently. xD Granted, it's been windy, so I still needed a jacket. x_x


I hope it takes a turn here. Started to get dark today, less sun.

But really, the past week's been HOT.

Come to think of it, it was raining yesterday evening.

But still, turn down the heat...


It's been like, a million degrees here. Although I'm not complaining as I feel bad for the people affected by the fires in Australia.


Oi, crank up the heat.


Seems like we never appreciate the weather we have now. xD


xD My friend has already sworn not to come to school tomorrow. She's really superstitious about that stuff.


I'm being overrun by Content staffers. :O


I'm only on trial :P. Not proper yet!


Oo I love spooky stuff. NZ doesn't do Halloween, I'm sooo going to experience it in America sometime. I might look a little crazy trick-or-treating at my age so I'll take some kids too. I WANT TO DRESS UP AND HAND OUT CANDY.


We don't have Halloween as big as some countries but we still do!


But I've never dressed up before and gone trick-or-treating. I'm not the type of person who does that XP

I'll hand out candy! :D


Well I guess, but hardly :(. I've never had a trick-or-treater come to my door, never seen decorations, maybe Auckland is cooler...


I don't think so.

We do see ONE or TWO people out and about dressing up but no decorations from what I've seen.

I just like giving out the candy. XD


But I guess the US is another story?

Ok, so I see on the movies that you guys make a big deal out of Halloween and probably any other celebration we keep quiet some of the time. :P


Friday the 13th... I hadn't noticed until it was mentioned here. xD Just another Friday as far as I'm concerned.


I feel like throwing in a plug for something... so:

Mastery of The Arts!


Ah yes, the infamous Friday the 13th. Heh heh. This will be a fun day. xD


Speaking of MoTA, I haven't been visiting the forums lately, have I? xP


MoTA was down just a couple days ago. Something about an update.


Lol, but yeah, today is Friday the 13th. I wonder if anything's gonna happen...


I don't have school today. And now I'm bored.


I have a short school day today. I'm not so bored. We haven't had to do a lot today. xD


Yeah I'm not too excited about Valentines day either, except for the fact that I might be making quite a bit of money, and the site theme.


I used to dislike Valentine's Day because I never have a Valentine, but now I realize that I've got friends, and they're so much more important than a boyfriend, so Valentine's day is the day I thank them for being my friends. ^_^

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