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Giovanni Gale

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Of course. That's exactly why we play with scissors. Because they tell you not to. Just like they tell you not to touch the iron because it's hot, and the first thing you do when they look away is poke the iron.

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I love chocolate chip muffins! They're so yummy. ^_^ I especially like mini-muffins, because they're easier to eat. The big ones just sort of sit there and I stare at them and wonder how I'm going to eat them.

Oh, but I had a REALLY good REALLY big chocolate muffin recently. I don't remember what it was called exactly, but it was from a British pastry shop. It was really yummy. =]

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Or pastys... something like that. The "real food" I had was chicken pot pie (in a real pot!), and it was surprisingly good. I liked it, which my mum made sure to mention to the chef was a big deal, because I'm a really picky eater. But it was good. Then after that I got a thing that looked like an exploded chocolate muffin because it was really really big and the top was kind of funny shaped. But it was soooo goooood. ^_^

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I haven't had a strudel in the longest time. I love strudels.


Since we're talking about pastries. xP


Apple strudel and powdered suger: the tastiest of all strudels!




Poptarts that taste like strudels? EPIC FAIL.

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Pavlova is gross!


No, I like American chocolate better! I don't like German, Belgium, NZ... I like Hershey chocolate, mm cookies and cream. But it's so hard to come by here. Reeces Peanut Butter Cups too. I have one or two of each per year because I can never find them :(.

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LOL well maybe sweet is the wrong word. I don't know what it is. Sickly, oh! Too RICH. Rich would be the best word.


I've had lots of American candy sent over, I wanted to try candy corn so bad! It... wasn't that nice... kind of waxy, but it looks cute :P. I think some things you guys have is a little scary, like, deep friend candy bars. And cookie dough. One of my friends eats it from cartons she buys in the supermarket. That is mad! And your pies... oo I want to try pumpkin pie! I hate pumpkin though. I want to go to Taco Bell, Wendy's (everyone says it's better than McDonalds, which is hard to beat!) and buy Chinese food that comes in those little white packets. Ours come in boring plastic containers. I did want a corn dog, but can't do that anymore.


I'm such a loser. I get excited over the stupidest things. I don't even like food :P.

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Wendy's is in NZ!

Isn't it in Chrch? I never go there though.

I find it really....dreamlike! Just hearing your routines and foods and flavours in the US reminds me of things in the movies! XD


So.you.can.eat.cookie.dough. :eh:


I feel foreign.

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No it's only in AUCKLAND. Everything is in AUCKLAND. AUCKLAND AUCKLAND AUCKLAND. No one loves the South Island. We used to get commercials adverstising it, but not anymore. It's so sad :(.


End of rant...


Yes! Cookie dough! I want to try this! And they have MINI BURGERS. That fit in your hand! Bite sizes! I don't know where from, though. We must investigate...


It's sad though. When I talk about steak pies, mince and cheese pies, no one knows what I'm talking about. They think pies are just dessert pies. But, no! And no one seems to know what mince is... what is it then? Ground mince/meat? Something like that.


I'd love to live in the states. You get movies and... stuff. The accents are prettyful! I love the South. And NY. And. Places. And Japan. Not that that's American. But I thought I'd add it anyway. And Egypt.


Dinner time. But not mini burgers :(.

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