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Oh I honestly don't know.


I was all happy. Then the sun went down and suddenly everyone I saw was depressed and sad and wasn't really talking to me.



And then I get online to see that one of my pictures was being hated more than this crappy paint picture.



Fine, they can hate it, but they don't have to tell me.


Aww. =[ People aren't nice. That's just how it is. If we'd all stop accepting that and do something to change it, it would be amazing, but until then, we have to accept it. Paradoxical, no?


And people's opinions don't mean anything. Believe me. Opinions come from so many different aspects of the individual that they have absolutely nothing to do with the object. Don't worry about it. I'm sure your picture's lovely.


Also, if it helps, I can lend you a compass! They're pointy! Just promise you'll stab the people and not the adorable woodland creatures. =P


Would stabbing a puppy be worse? I personally wouldn't think so, but then again, I'm not really a dog type of guy.


Yes, stabbing a puppy would be worse, because people tend to get more attached to puppies than to your random squirrel or deer or chipmunk.


They generally learn about two seconds before you kill them. But it's so cruel. It hurts me how much they love the people who hurt them. ='[


Well hey, if anything it's us humans who are at fault for being willing to hurt entities that love us - and we do it with impunity sometimes. :(


Yeah in that case, I guess it would be worse.

But it would also be a lot easier than a squirrel. I mean, how many people here actually caught one before?


But killing cattle would be productive at the same time :D

So yes, let's agree that when we're angry we stab farm animals :P


Agreed. *nods* And I'll use my compass to do it. They're pointy. And mathematical! :graduated: So we can be mathematically and emotionally productive!


o_O How would you get the needle out of the compass?

I'd love to use a sword, but I wouldn't know how to get one :P

Oh well, I guess I'll have to settle with a dagger. If I could have one, I'd get a Holbein dagger. They look spiffy :D


No, silly, not the directional kind. The kind you draw circles with. ^_^


My best guy friend has a sword (or two... and half a dozen daggers... don't ask why; I couldn't answer. But I don't trust him with pointy things. :guiltysmiley: ) I'm sure he'd let you use it. :D




I think that I may have just recycled about two forests worth of paper. XD



I'm not kidding. I just went through and cleaned my room, and I was getting rid of old papers (some were eight or nine years old :O) and there was SOOOOO MUCH!


My teachers love giving out packets over 2" thick at the beginning of the year that we never really use. I feel like I'm carrying a forest in my backpack.


I was cleaning out my room not too long ago, and I found stuff from kindergarten. There was a worksheet with problems (in size 30 font, by the way) like 3-2=? and 1+3=?

On it I had written in huge messy handwriting "to hard" :graduated: It was amusing. I love finding old papers and stuff.


Yeah I had like a pile a papers a foot tall all from one semester of high school that I just recycled a couple weeks ago. You get so many papers for school.


Ugh, I never realized how much I rely on paper....


Anywho. Apparently putting my earring in is an emotionally nad mentally... even physically draining task for me. :P


But seriously, just becuase I couldn't quite get my earring in, I was like... unable to funciton, I was so shaken.


I understand what you mean Laura. I hate it when I do something all the time...like every day, and then suddenly I can't do it.

Drives me crazy like, "What changed? I've done this every day for the past year!" Like for a week in January I kept hitting my head when I was

getting in and out of my car and I was so mad about it because I get in and out of my car a million time a day why all of a sudden was I hitting my head?


But I've NEVER EVER put that earring in before. This is the first time I've taken it out.


See, the reason I got so drained is because I'm incredibly paranoid, plus anything thin and pointy poking me sets my body off into a shut down, so when I didn't get my earring all the way through and it poked the inside of my ear, I became so shaken that I just became tired in every sense of the word.


Euch, I know what you mean. I hate when my earrings refuse to go in because I start freaking out that the hole closed or the earring bent, etc. I'm fine with thin pointy objects resembling/being needles, but the concept of a needle in the inside of my ear is just *shudder*


@Will: Earrings can be traumatic things for girls. We don't really expect you to understand. :)

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