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Here, you have to be 15. You can get a learner's permit which means you can drive only with a person who has their full licence. Then after six months, go for your restricted which means you can drive alone with no passengers, between the hours or 6 am and 10 pm. Or so. After 18 months of having that, you can go for your full! And you can do anything and everything. Within the law... lol. I'm 19 and still don't have anything higher than a leaner's :P. I just hate driving. I don't know why, I just do.


^ Isn't that what all parents say to their children? :P


My brother got his learners license when he was 15 and just started to take driving lessons with my dad last Christmas :P (17 now)


I have this weird feeling everytime I see my bro behind the wheel now XD


I feel sorry for boys, instructors give them a harder time than girls when they're learning to drive because of the whole 'boy racer' thing.


Sometimes I get the break and accelorater mixed up. Oh dear.


I am going to say numerous random things because, well, I can.


1. @Madison: Oh dear indeed :guiltysmiley:

2. Thanks to Silver (one of my three cats), it looks like I've been cutting my wrist. But I haven't. She's been biting it. And it hurts.

3. I am currently munching on apple and peanutbutter, and it's really yummy. :D

4. I was up until 1:30 chatting with my guy friend on MSN Friday night, and it was amazing! ^_^


End randomness. =]


Haha I have the same problem with my bunny ^_^. Things will be worse when I have my own place. I want TONS of bunnies (future crazy bunny lady, pelased to meet you), a kitty and a Bichon Frise. And rats. And maybe guinea pigs.


Haha, future crazy cat lady, very pleased to make your acquaintance. *shakes hand*




P.S. Don't get ferrets. My friend's ferret crawled up my pants leg one day. It was awkward. o_0


I would've LOVED a ferret.




Some idiot BANNED them. Yes, BANNED. They're illegal here! Throughout the entire country! They eat the wild birds or something. Hamsters are also illegal, no idea why though. They're so cute :(. And we have no snakes, moose, bears, skunks, squirrels, oh it's a tough life I tell you. I can't wait to travel and see all these animals :P.


o_0 Ferrets are illegal? Why?? That's such a strange thing to ban... And hamsters? Aww, but they're so cute! =[ That's saddening.


Ha, their logic is almost funny. They've got a good point though.


As long as your bunnies don't start depleting the world supply of carrots, I think you'll be okay. :D


Her favourite is grass! Got a whole backyard of that :P. Neither of my bunnies have been that keen on carrots actually. Luna loved celery.


Then I think you're safe. I doubt your bunnies could deplete the world's supply of grass. =P


Gah, I'm so sleepy, but I still have a whole section of this outline to do... Why must the book be so boring...?


I do! I just got the Grand Theft Ummagine avatar! First time trying. Using a guide :P. And I got the highest score possible so hopefully I'll have a nice new trophy oo...


Congrats, Madison! I could never master the controls... I know they're fairly simple, but I still got confused kinda easily... :S I'm gonna try it again sometime. Maybe. I think.


I'm posting from the McAlister's across from my school! The others won't be out for another 15 minutes. :D


I just got outta school today. We had PSSA testing today, which is the standardized test for PA. Well, I didn't take it, only Juniors have to. But it did mean a messed up schedule for me, and 85 minutes of history xP. Not that history is a bad class, just that 85 minutes of monotonous note-taking gets a bit boring.


Euch, I pity you. I mean, my history teacher is AWESOME to the third degree (no idea where that came from), but 85 minutes of dead stuff that no longer applies to us... is pretty dull. But hey, it's better than me. I spend 2.5 hours with the same teacher every day. =\ I really hate when they mix up the schedule for something that doesn't even apply to us.


Why small woodland creatures o_O? Wouldn't they be kinda hard to stab, being as they are small and fast? If anything, stab farm animals, which would also help the meat industry. Yay productiveness! :thumbsup:


But in all seriousness, what happened? *is concerned*

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