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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Hahah, nice penguins on the bed sheets.


Okay, so I have a feeling at least one of you is slightly wondering what EXACTLY happened at the concert last night, no? I mean, conisdering my boyfriend was there and all....

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Okay, so I have a feeling at least one of you is slightly wondering what EXACTLY happened at the concert last night, no? I mean, conisdering my boyfriend was there and all....

Hm, I wasn't at first since I forgot (y'know, because life and all), but now I am lol. What happened there? Have a good time?

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Oh, I had a VERY good time.


It was great. The bassist of the band (his name is Boone) signed my shoe. :P


*coughs* Not much else. Except that I got kissed.... three times.






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Oh, congrats Laura! *claps happily* I second Will's question: Was it your first (three?) How'd it happen? Whose idea was it? Did *clamps own hand over mouth; mumbles "I'll stop asking questions now" in a muffled voice*


(He signed your shoe? o_0)

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My sister is nearly 16 and I can't imagine her kissing boys. I don't know why, I'm having trouble realizing she's so... old, I think :P. I'm nearly 20. I'M old :(.


But yay for you Laura, I'm glad things worked out! For some reason I thought you were like, 21. Lol.

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:O you can't remember? Your first kiss(es) and you can't remember? o_O Wow... I've never even dated, much less had my first kiss, but I'd imagine you'd remember the first... I'm probably wrong though. *shrug*


You have your signature back, Stephanie!

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My brother's 17 and I wouldn't expect him....to do anything. :P


I coincidentally saw my friends today at the pools, with guys -_- Sometimes I think I'm the nerd out of all of them.

LOL I haven't done anything but all my friends have, yay for nerds :P.
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Ohhh, don't say that. I will ALWAYS care. :)


We'll miss you. :(



@amitybelle: Well its nice to hear that people think I'm older than I am, but if you saw in real life, you'd probably be like, "Ohhhhh nevermind. "




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C'mon Revenge, you know that all of us here do care. Good luck with whatever you gotta do and whatever's going on, and we'll miss you!


Just out of curiosity, how old do you guys think I am?


And huzzah for nerdom! :nerd:

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Hm... I'm going to guess...

(Insight into Livvy's mind)

Hm, he's dated at least twice, gives fairly good advice... can't be over 16 because 17 is when they start getting stupid... but is capable of intelligent conversation



And how old do you think I am?

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Haha, I still have to get my learner's permit. It's not that I can't, I just haven't. I haven't had a chance to go down to the DMV to take the test. *shrug* Everyone says I need to learn to drive... Come to think of it, I probably should.


What's the driving age where you live? I think the permit age is 15 here, but there's been talk about it changing to 16, so I'm not sure.

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When I say I can drive, I mean I can get my permit. In Pennsylvania, where I live, you have to be 16 to get a permit, and anyone born after 1994 has to wait until they're 18, I think (nobody's too clear about the new law yet). Luckily, I was born in 1994.


I mostly want to drive so I don't have to depend on my parents to get me to jazz band rehearsals every time. I always get there late because of them.

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