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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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She has not! Honestly, our minds haven't been poisoned. Hey, that sounds like a good idea! I'll get a cookie!

Woah woah, wait, what?? A cookie!?

Yes, a cookie.

.... A COOKIE?!?!?!

YES, A COOKIE! Got a problem with that?

Yes, yes I do. The cookies are... I'm arguing with myself! She HAS gotten to my mind! Help!!




~ Livvy

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Key Quest is great fun, when it works. :yes: I really need to spend some more time messing with it...

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*eludes Morgan's tricky grasp*


This is bad. VERY bad. If Morgan can see and hear me while I am lurking.... then what am I to do?


*waves hand in front of AA's face*


Hmmm no response. I'm still good there. I guess it's just Morgan then...


*turns to hippo* What's that? You have a plan? Well, don't just keep it to yourself, SPIT IT OUT!

*listens intently*


Mhmm.. I see..... brilliant.



*goes to gather items needed*





*throws cheese away from myself to distract Morgan*



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*walks in and sees cheese flying out of nowhere, pants walking around by themselves, and a giant imaginary hippo.*


:whaa: *backs out of room slowly...*


Nah I'm just kidding. I, like Revenge, have a day off, so you guys are gonna be stuck with me for a while :D

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I don't really know what items are good for restocking, that's my problem. Otherwise I might do it more often. I just picked one at random, looked it up on the SW and it sold for more on there than it did in the shop.

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