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Giovanni Gale

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Darn those lazy secretaries! *mumbles to self about how a 23 hour and 59 minute break for them was a bad idea*


Here, this is your schedule. You're booked pretty full for a bit. But after a millenia or so, it should begin to slow down. :)

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I don't care either. I haven't read much of his work.


Board's slow today... I was hoping for another yesterday...

Yeah me too. It was starting to pick up at the beginning of today, but then died down... :(

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Well if nothing is going to happen today I'm gonna take a well needed nap.



Haha I think we all need a nap, especially after last night.


Its 1 55pm here. But I'm on neopets.

When your enter your BC picture, is it all pixely? Cause mine is. :/

Sorry I don't do the BC. Ain't got the skills lol.

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Well, its my first time and it was my first time drawing my tonu. Turned out pretty well.

Except when I resized it, (I'm not a computer expert) I wasn't sure if kb was the same as KB and when I uploaded it, it turned into a fuzzy pixel art thing xD


Oh well, I'll try again if I get rejected.


I guess everyone's sleeping. Or maybe I'm the poster who turns people away.

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I'm absolutely certain you're not turning people away, Stephanie.

Why would people be sleeping? It's 8 PM where I am, and 2 PM where you are. That's not usually when people sleep...


(Ouch, I got my finger pricked today so they could draw some blood, and it hurts to type... =[ )


~ Livvy

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Ooh, I had a bad experience with homework and facebook. In my AP Euro class, there was an online midterm. So some of the brilliant (note sarcasm) students in my class decided they'd help each other with the midterm by sharing answers over facebook. But somehow the teacher finds out about it, so he resets everyone's scores, makes a new midterm, and shortens the time limit to 60 minutes for 75 questions. Needless to say, the idiots got the bad grade they deserved for cheating. But so did I, and I wasn't cheating.


~ Livvy

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Wow that is insanely unfair. That's the kind of thing I would totally take to the principle cause why should you be punished for some punks mistake?

I had a similar thing happen in one of my science classes on year, a kid stole the test key, but luckily we hadn't taken the exam yet so we didn't have to take it twice.

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No it's not that my homework was on Facebook, it's just that I get easily distracted :)

Oh I know, I was kidding. I always use to tell my dad he couldn't use the computer because I was "doing homework."

When really all I was doing was sitting on facebook or chatting on AIM. You know all the cool HS kid stuff, LOL.

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Lucky you. When my friend found out that she'd have to retake it with a shorter time limit, she was like "Who was it..." and looked really angry. I volunteered to let her use my compass and ram it through the idiots' hearts. And swore I wouldn't testify against her in court. But I couldn't find my compass, so she just had to settle with being angry and retaking the test. Darn. *mock-disappointed snap*


~ Livvy

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Oh I know, I was kidding. I always use to tell my dad he couldn't use the computer because I was "doing homework."

When really all I was doing was sitting on facebook or chatting on AIM. You know all the cool HS kid stuff, LOL.

Oh okay lol. Hahaha yeah, I do that all the time, and I'm pretty sure we (as in us HSers) all do.

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