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Giovanni Gale

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Let's stuff you with tough!


o_O ehhhh...... you can't, cause it doesn't exist....it's an adjective.....


just like numbers....you don't see them walking down the street.

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Without Random, the world would slowly die of predictability...


'scuse me.

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My parents gave up on forcing me to study long ago. Besides, I'm a good liar, and if I do the reviews (often worth extra credit or a grade) I have it down. xD

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I'm in college now, so I can do whatever.

Conversely, I am consistently staying up too late.

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You should never force anyone to study, it only makes it worse. My parents just told me to do the best I can and as long as I do that, they are happy. Just to give you an idea...I had a friend whose mom forced her to study all the time, no going out, no nothing. She ended up as a teen single mom.

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I love staying up late. My dad thinks I'm a freak for it, but that' nothing new. He asked me why I stayed up so late on Sunday and I said it was cuz I liked to. He had a hard time comprehending and my mom said she stayed up late as well before he dropped it. xD


If I'm forced to study, I end up in a fit of rage and do more damage to what I'm supposed to be studing than actualliy studing it. And then when I'm done with that I'd crumple it up and through it to the side, getting nothing done.

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love staying up late. My dad thinks I'm a freak for it, but that' nothing new. He asked me why I stayed up so late on Sunday and I said it was cuz I liked to. He had a hard time comprehending and my mom said she stayed up late as well before he dropped it. xD


If I'm forced to study, I end up in a fit of rage and do more damage to what I'm supposed to be studing than actualliy studing it. And then when I'm done with that I'd crumple it up and through it to the side, getting nothing done.

I don't believe you.


PS: This shows you are not a good liar.

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I dunno why I like staying up so late. Maybe it's the fact that everything's quite and I'm alone in my own little pocket of light and I can do as I wish. Oh, and sneacking around for snacks and such is super fun. :K


It's all true, no matter what you think.

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no, JhJe it shows that whether something be truth or lie sometimes people have a hard time understanding why people do strange things.

I stay up late because....hm...why do I?

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Staying up is fun! Waking up sucks...

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I do believe it 'cause well it's true lol. The more the force you, the worse you get becuase you have so much pressure.


What's the purpose for staying up late?



Some do it for fun, some because they have to finish school work. If you don't have anything to do, there's no point on staying up late.

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I work best in last-minute panic, not forcing-myself-when-I-could-be-playing-Neopets.

Does staying up need to have a purpose?

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I do that too! I do most of my projects and weekend homework at 1 AM Friday and Saturday night. xD


Nothing needs a purpose. That would be normal. There is no such thing as normal here.

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Not that late. Now, Eirc was at a staff chat the other day when the birds started chirping in the morning wher he was, so he;s done that, but not me. xD

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my first all-nighter was on a research paper for Crime and Punishment, AP Literature.

3 4-packs of Mint Mocha Frappuccinos (mmmm) and 4 pages later, it was time to go to school.

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