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I prefer a little mix of the two. Although dry humor is just as delightful.



In other news: I've been dreaming so much lately, it's relaly weird. I never used to dream. If I did, it'd be like once every two to three months. :O It makes no sense to me. :/


What'd you dream about? I dream of things, usually I forget them, but I always remember the really special ones. I had alot of nightmares when I was little. Like an unusual amount for someone that age at the time. One involved cake. I didn't eat it, though, it's hard to explain, you just have to know what I'm thinking.

I hate school. Everyone there is either a jerk or an idiot. Mostly both. I'd rather not have a conversation with any of them. So I'm bored a lot...


(I never ate cake after that dream. Just don't have the appetite for it.)


I'm a school hater because of the people as well. I think I'd have a more enjoyable experience at school if there weren't so many meanies, Jonas Brothers fangirls (I like the JB, but I'm not a fangirl :yes: ), people who have nothing to do but text message, creepy boys who pretend to like me and drama queens who are the center of attention ALL THE TIME. -_- There aren't a lot of people like me at my school...-sigh-


Ah... sarcasm, cynicism, and some general dry humour - can't beat that. :P


Anybody here tried out the Firefox 3.1 beta? We're working on making it an awesome minor release. :yes:


A couple of nights back I dreamt that I had my left leg amputated and replaced with a metal one- and On Saturday night/early Sunday Morning I had to go into hospital because my Left Ear-lobe (that's the bottom flappy bit on the ear) had the back of the earring INSIDE it (or imbedded) , and they had to take it out. Now that I think about it, I think it's creepy. Also, from that experience, I found out I could be allergic to Silver jewellery, and one of my thoughts was- dang, now I can't wear my favourite metal, and the other made me think about Samhain.


I'm home schooled, so I don't have to deal with a lot of the idiots and jerks that go to public school. But I do go to church, so I get my fill there. Some of the kids there are extremely obnoxious (one especially comes to mind, I'd really like to beat him up :S ). Most of them drive me crazy, not in a good way.


I have only a few BFF, but if I look at all of my friends I probably have around 20 that I talk to at least once a month (all of my closer friends moved up a grade when they weren't supposed to! So I don't get to talk to them a bunch).


Because I recently moved to College, I left most of my friends at my old school- They got the required grades to stay, I didn't.


Talking of School/ (well college for me), I got the part of Grizabella- (that's the cat that sings 'memory' from Cats'.


Behold, puny TDNers! Revenge has gained his 666th post! All will tremble in fear of his evilness increased 114.8 fold! With his mighty maliciousness he will...


Wait. Aw, donkey dookie, I don't have 666 posts anymore. Now it's just 667. I missed my evil chance. Now I'm just semi-evil. Quasi-evil. The Diet Coke of evil. Just one calorie not evil enough.


I need to work on my timing...


My friends have a wonderful nickname for me but I am not allowed to mention it on here, cause then I will get in trouble although it has something to do with a female dog. It ain't that I am mean, it is just that I speak my mind, tell the truth and use sarcasm a lot and cause me and my friend had a competition with each other to see who could be the meanest :P Was really funny and before you all get your knickers in a twist we were only insulting and being mean to each other!! "No innocent people were hurt during the duration of this competition" :P


I have a couple of nicknames.


Cheesy (obviously) and Ducky (no idea how I got that). I have pretty strange friends. o_O


Hmm. Pretty unique. I just tend to call you Luna because of your display name. :P Add that name to your list. xD


But I have adopted the 'Lorelei' part for this month- Lorelei are mythological river sirens found in the Koln River, and they attract sailors toward them and then drown them. They are also called Nix. I couldn't really find another L word to go with Luna that wasn't Lunatic.


Lovely Luna, for one. :D


And I've had my fill of mythological teachings for today. ;o


I'll change my display name to fit each holiday. Otherwise, I'll just be known as Ruto.


It's kind of hard to find a certain holiday-related word that starts with M. I had to get Anime to help me pick a name. xD


How about 'Lethargic'? That's what I would do if my name started with an L.

Morgan, if if you couldn't find an M word, why not stick something with Ruto? You don't usually use your real name as a display name...

Yeah, everyone's changing their name for Halloween. My name's already Revenge, I feel adding a creepy word would be redundant. I don't have any nicknames, but for a while my brother's friend had a name for me. Can't say, 'cause I'd get in HUGE trouble, all I can do is mention he's a bit of a perv... :whistle:

Anyway, how about 'Ludicrous'? That's another one.


Meh. I go by Ruto and Morgan. My display name will switch back and forth. xD


As much as I would love to claim credit for making the pumpkin, I'm not that artistic. :( I found the picture on Google.


Oh. I once got all these special jack-o-lanturn carving tools. Really sophisticated-like. I got cool ideas, too, I just couldn't find any pumpkins. So I used a pear. Not what the tools were made for, but it wasn't horrible. His name is Billy. I'd show you a picture if I had a scanner.







And a picture of it...


o_O Billy...is a pear?


And all these years, I thought he loved me. :(

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