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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Uh... I think I'll pass up commenting for now. :P


I'm thinking of making myself a new set - but I have no real ideas for a set yet. XD

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My set doesn't really match :\ It's technically an awful GIF of a balloon floating up into the sky and eventually popping (in the avatar) and something that has the words "intheblue04" on it. I make graphics quite a lot...

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It's pretty uncommon if I ask for a set...otherwise, I make my own graphics :P Some of them don't turn out so well tho...

At least my stuff isn't all "omg bright and blinding colors" or "omg super headache animation"...yeah. xD

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Well let me relieve your boredom! *hangs upside down from ceiling* There - did that help? (:


And I try to make my own sets as well, but they aren't any good and I usually end up asking somebody else for help.

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XD Has anybody noticed that the TDN Adblocking guides have been getting some updates recently?


*is still hanging upside down*

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You know AA it is not the best idea to hang upside down for too long, all the blood drains to your head and well it may explode..... *nods intelligently*

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Well, isn't making something explode the point? :P *head explodes*


Oookay... I'll stop hanging upside down now.


The TDN Adblocking guides are under Helpful Articles > Tutorials. :yes:

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Yes, I think it would make a pretty good set, but you'd have to get somebody to turn it into a set first. :yes:

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Alright. I know Odin is the guy with the one, all-seeing eye. And then I could probably guess thor and Loki if you had em in there, but you don't.


My brother was no help either. And he claims he know's Norse mythology. Hmmmphh.

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Well, isn't making something explode the point? :P *head explodes*


Oookay... I'll stop hanging upside down now.


The TDN Adblocking guides are under Helpful Articles > Tutorials. :yes:


*picks up the pieces to AA's head* Umm.. you may find these helpful!!

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*steals head bits* Nah, he doesn't need em. I'll just go over here and *urgh* slide that last *umph* piece into *agh* my closet shrine. :D


My friend and I were talking about how my other friend was away too much with band. Well, actually I was saying that and she was listening. And then she was like, "Oh it'd be hysterical if you had like a little shrine of her in your closet cuz you miss her so much." " I just roflmao'ed like crazy at that one. Then I hit her <_<

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Why'd you hit here??


*steals AA's head peices back and puts them in her safe, with a secret combination*

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*breaks safe with really big, pointy things and takes head bits back* Oh, because she was implying that I worshipped a shrine of my best friend. She also has claimed I dream constantly about this one guy who is my friend. Err... no offense, but no thanks.


*hides head bits in super duper deluxe secret shrine.... AA's body!*


Alright nevermind, this is getting weird. I'mma stop participating in this stealing of the head bits conversation.... o.O

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*teehee* Hi again. xD I think I'm turning into a 6-year-old in a candy store in real life. I think I need help with this "problem". I'm getting all mad when I need to take a shower, I'm playing on the kitchen floor, I'm eating nuts like crazy. Any help...? xD (I don't know if I'm acting 6 or younger, but whatever)

(I hope I'm not insane for asking that...)

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I hate taking showers if it involves washing my hair. Cuz then it gets unmanagable.


ZOMGZZZ YOU PLAY ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR TOO??!!>!?!?one!eleven!?!?!? Actually, I haven't done that in years. But I wish I could.


Nuts are awesome. I just eat like crazy. Nothing in particular.

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