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Giovanni Gale

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Psst Revenge!! We aren't allowed to use a dictionary for Levy's assignment!!! Have to use your brain :O

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Well... I don't know... We are going to have to have a look for you!!! What happened to yours?? Did it get flushed down the toilet?

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I'm taking a 7 AM Psychology class this semester for college credit. And next year hopefully *crosses fingers* I will be able to take Sociology next year, because I think that would be interesting, and a nice class to take if I hope to be a tour guide someday.



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I do so hope my dad trusts me.


Otherwise, you guys can expect to not hear very much good from me, if you hear from me at all.


I have a feeling if he tells my mom what happened then I'll get a billion stern lectures as to why it's really innappropriate and then they'll probably send me to a therapist for my twisted thoughts. If I'm going down, then my friend who introduced me to it is going down too.

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Uh... I probably missed something there Mia, but I have no idea what you're talking about. :S

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Nobody knows. I doubt I'd be allowed to talk about it here. Let's just say I have no innocence left in my brain. Lulz. I'm suh bad.


Alright, just ignore me. WHO'S HAVING A GOOD WEEKEND?!?!

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The Fragile.... good song. Well, if any of you cared what I was muttering about earlier, I'm pretty sure it's all resolved. No lectures, so I guess I'm off the hook. But not for homework. I totally blew off all my homework, so I'm writing up about ALD right now.

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I guess I can sorta draw chibis...but I made an attempt to, it didn't turn out very well. But I like the clothes =)

-link c: -

My secret weapon drawing tool was a touchpad. :P

I whipped it up in about 2-5 minutes, so it looks lame.

I hate how the hair turned out. ._.

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lol last time i drew a chibi [which was like i dknow 4 months ago]:



i use a mouse. THAT'S HOW MUCH I ROCK. lol just joking.

I'm pretty much bad :3

Ruto: well i can't edit stuff lolol it turns into some mutant thing D:

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There's a cure for that! Just sit on your head a drink a gallon of cranberry juice while singing the Danish national anthem through your nose at midnight. Or maybe that's for cancer. Or hiccups. Nah, no hiccups, either GIF animation skills or cancer. Definitely.

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