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Giovanni Gale

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Lols.... well I don't think I have the time to count how many ways you can eat a Reeses... although I must say I do like peanut butter cups, suckful that you can't get them in NZ :(

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I just updated it. :K


And are you tired already?

Well School's starting up Tuesday and I guess I got to get to bed earlier... I guess... maybe...

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XD For most of the people in Malaysia, school holidays are just starting. Since I'm in university, we don't get holidays at this time of the year - just a huge pile of assignments. <_<

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Assignments FTL :(

I don't know when I'll get my first assignment-presumably on the first week of school? I'm really excited for school to start...seriously.

Why? Because I get to see my friends! eeeeeee! >w< (I haven't seen my friends all summer...blah.)

Plus I'll get more time to doodle in class =) (Even if I'm wanting to kick that habit)

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Well it's good to know that some people have reasons to look forward to school. :)


Random topic change: Do YOU think of Wikipedia as a reliable resource? (I have to present an argumentative speech on this XD )

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I only use Wikipedia if I'm just curious about random topics or I'm bored out of my mind...but not so much for research purposes.


On another note, I started school today. :) Contrary to popular opinion, I'm glad that school is back.


I'm sure I'll change my mind in a few months...weeks, maybe...hehe.



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BLAH!!! It's no fair!! I don't get school holidays :( School holidays aren't til next week over here and Uni holidays are not for a little while longer. Most Uni's are having mid semester break at the moment though for two weeks, so I don't know what they are compliaing about.


Anyway... I use Wiki for some of my searches when I can't be bothered researching too much. Even if I do research a topic I still print of the Wiki page along with a million other pages for reference. A lot of the information I have found on there so far has been reliable, so it can't be too bad.

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I like to use Wiki sometimes but I'm not allowed to use it at school when I'm researching-because I might recall one of the teachers saying there was inaccurate or fake info there. xD

There are some nice research sites out there that are better than wiki, so I use them.

Or we just get info out of books...

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I love encyclopedias and one day (when I have enough money) I will buy a fantastic set to go in my library, unfortunately all the good ones seem to be rediculously expensive!!


So... one of the guys at my work found a baby goat on the side of the road yestersday and took it home. He bought it into work first though and it is so CUTE!!! I want to keep it, but have no grass at my house, so I can't :( I phoned a friends mum though and she wants it, so I am going to get it for her!! It is so cute about 30cm long, just a lil baby!!!

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Yeah, you could do research the old fashioned way: books.


What?! xD


What? And do all that hard work?


*drowns in my spoiled life*



Aww...baby goats are cute! We used to have a goat (full grown)...but that was when we lived right outside of my *very* small town and I was only about 4 years old. I remember it, though only vaguely.


It always ate my mom's flowers. ^_^

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I find it rather hysterical (on the inside) that chocolate ship waffles can make me happy (on the inside) when a hot shower just makes me more depressed.


And on the note of the pantsing bit earlier: I for one support any and all pantsing of Tom and Bill Kaulitz. So go ahead, make my day. PLEASE?!?!

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Oh lord. *puts on belt* HAHAHAH! Try to pants me now Morgan!


It's a wonder how Tom's pants stay up as it is.


OHNOES! I just near-choked on a piece o' popcorn. But it's okay now. No need to worry. I WILL live.

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My next plan is to eat pie, then use my squirrel army to take over a movie theatre.


Sounds like a nice plan. Let me know how it turns out.



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