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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Hi guys :9 What do u think of the olympics?


The Olympics! Hmmm...my favorite things to watch are gymnastics, swimming, and track. (because I ran track freshman and sophomore years in high school, but not anymore...my knees and shins don't agree with it) Michael Phelps's seventh gold medal win was crazy...watched that on T.V. last night.


I'm actually watching track right now...lol.


What do you think of the Olympics?

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I think I hate them. They're in Beijing. I hate Beijing.




So what've you been doing so far this weekend?


I dragged my butt to the Frosh dance and pointed out the cute kid from Geography class to everyone, I got in touch with one of my really old friends, and pretty much lived out that one line from Nine in the Afternoon: "Picking up things we shouldn't read, looks like the end of history as we know, just the end of the world..." I've been wondering.... when exactly did my mind decide to take up deep-sea diving in the gutter? Teehee.

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I think I hate them. They're in Beijing. I hate Beijing.

Yes, we all know you had to write a 30-page report on Beijing. :P


I wonder what the record inactivity period for the OTB is?

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Wow, this topic sure is big...is it because it's a nice place to chill at and talk to people and stuff like that? ^.^

Anyway, I'm just assuming that this board is mostly always active-it's easy to keep up with though. That's good. ^_^

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Yes, we all know you had to write a 30-page report on Beijing. :P


I wonder what the record inactivity period for the OTB is?


Yes, everyone knows that!! It's not like you made a big deal of it or anything :P


I like the olympics, always have. It doesn't matter where they are held, it is the events I am interested in. Then again I must admit that I thought the Opening Ceremony in Aussie was better than the one in Bejing (no offence intended to anyone).


So how is everyone?? Is it just me or is the HOP becoming boring?? I think we need to liven it up... *big booming voice* MORGAN!!! I think we need something to entertain us :D

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Hello Hello. What's everyone up to?


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Levy I love you sig!!! Made me laugh!! I may not be good with my grammar or spelling, but I do try not to use chat speak :yes:

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A kid get's his pants ripped off and you're concentrated on the 1337-speak awareness animation. x_x


*busts out laughing* Actually, the first thing I noticed was the chatspeak animation, then the pantsed kid. b)

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A kid get's his pants ripped off and you're concentrated on the 1337-speak awareness animation. x_x


That made me laugh too, but I noticed the chat speak thing first!!


Any reason the kid gets his pants taken off him??

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I can think of more subtle ways to put your pants on ebay!!

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