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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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They have the accents down and everything. They even resemble the Beatles somewhat. I loved when they were doing the Sgt. Pepper thing. George Harrison's hat was awesome! It had a little plume that bobbed when he walked. XD

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I got hit by a pair of major assignments. Nothing I won't be able to procrastinate though, so don't worry about me. :P

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Assignments, yuck. I haven't started school yet, and I haven't even found out what teacher I got o_0. I just wanna make sure that I'm staying on top of my stuff. (No, that doesn't mean I should sit on my stuff. I don't want to sit on my stuff o_O )

But hopefully I won't die during the school year xD The internet is addicting...d'oh.

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XD I'll always set aside some time for TDN - it's too addicting for me not to. (:


*gasp* Morgan changed her set! :O

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XD I'll always set aside some time for TDN - it's too addicting for me not to. (:


*gasp* Morgan changed her set! :O

*gasp* She did? Ohmigosh! Where can I find this new set of hers? :O


I got on a while ago, you had one set on, then I got on last night & you had another on, now today when I got on, yet another set change.


Are you unsure which to use?

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Ho hum, you could call me Mia, I suppose.


My nick names are so random. There's Mia, MIA (as in Missing In Action), Vampire, Fluff, Far. I tried to get bubbles to catch on in 4th grade but it didn't work. XD

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Hmm...I never had a nickname. My name (Sarah) doesn't have an "abbreviation" of sorts. I have a friend who used to call me 'Sahara'. And then in grade school, I had this Hispanic friend who used to call me 'Salamandar'. Other than that, not really any nicknames.


On a side note, I'll be "officially" a junior next Monday. And I'm looking forward to it. :)

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