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I like dairy products...they are yummy ^^ Especially milk :)

Cheese, yogurt, milk and ice cream are my favorite dairy products :laughingsmiley:


EDIT: Woot! 100th post (=


I can understand if some people's stomachs can't tolerate cheese, but ice cream? That's brutal. :(


I am allergic to milk, but can eat dairy products ... strange huh??!!


Hm, maby you just can't drink it, but you can have it in food? I know a guy who has that problem.


Erm, and for the thing, 15-17 I'm of to SHiRL! (SwedishHogwarts in Real Life!)

I where a little bit unsure about it when I understod that the person who arranges it is twice as old as me :P.


That's sounds.... interesting. Are we talking August 15-17?


@Morgan: It's not that bad because I never really liked ice cream as much as other kinds. I grew up in a non-sweets environment. My mom hid their exsistance from me for a while. My first birthday, for example. I actulay asked for a fork to eat my cake. And even then, I just picked at it.


Wow. Lots of things happening that day. o_O


I have nothing special happening on August 15th. xD


Me niether Morgan, lols.. I will be at work!


Mike resigned for his position as he is busy with the 'real world' and felt he didn't have enough time to spend on TDN!


Yeah, he resigned a couple of months ago.


Real life is just taking our best staffers away. :(


Real life, bleh. Unfortunately everyone is playing/played the hard "game" of life

(No, not that board game xD...real life ;D ). It's to blame for a lot of things. -sighs- :grrr:

(And just to let you know, I never played LIFE...but I have eaten Life cereal before :P)


LIFE is a fun game to play. I always lose though. :O


He still comes on every now and then Laura, just leave him a comment :)


I'll do that. I'll one better than that. Or rather a couple hundred better than that.... Muahahaha. Next time he comes on, he'll be flooded with comments. Err... nevermind, I'm too lazy.


Not to be flooding anyone with comments. You might drown them. ;o


:O Your not allowed to drown people, they might get ouchies!!


A lot of other people don't. It being gone prevents spammage and dead forum-age...b)


Splinters are annoying when you know they are there, but can't for the life of you get them out!!!


Right well... Have a good weekend everyone :D


Our 'local festival' has ended. It's really the closest thing we have to a festival. It's just the Taste. But then they have the band American English play every year. They're a little famous from my understanding. They're a Beatles tribute band and they're awesome.

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