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Giovanni Gale

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Oh yes. That's why I got the surgery. To prevent mutiple in-growns. I already had two, i didn't need more. They had to give me 4 nerve-blocks.


And for toe surgery, it's not big enough to have them give you the stuff you braethe in. It's shots. And I suffer from bad claustrophobia, but anethesias haven't made that act up so far. All that happened was I barfed. Four shots are 2 too many for me to handle that fast. One makes me a little queasy afterwards, two makes me near faint. I've never had three at a time.


And it's not like I'm scared of shots, it's just my body's reaction. It's weird.

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Oh no! Shots?!?


Hmm...I wonder which I would choose. I don't like shots either. They never used to bother me, but for some reason, they do now. Once, I had Bell's Palsy about 5 years ago (which paralyzes half the face...it's not dangerous, just annoying. I know, weird, right?) and the nurse had to draw some blood. I felt very light headed after that on the way to the X-ray room (to check to see if I had pneumonia).


After that incident, I basically black out. It scared me the first time it happened because my mom had to get some shots after me, and I was sitting in a chair waiting (I had just gotten mine). I remember saying I was light headed, and the next thing I know I'm opening my eyes to find myself on the floor surrounded by people.


I can't help that I black out, it just happens. Now I basically hate needles with a passion also.



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hmm... Just the opposite for me. I used to bawl when I got shots. Now, I'm okay with it. I'd rather not get shots because I know my body's reaction. but I'm no longer as afraid as I used to be.

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Ehmigawd, Laura wants some cookies. Gimmeegimmeegimmee!


On a side note.... tonight/tomorrow morning is the release party for Breaking Dawn.

*Grabs Cookie*

What will you do now?!


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This topic is lacking in posts!!! I wonder why? Is everyone busy?


Morning All!! How is/was your weekend?

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I nearly forgot that it was the weekend :S  Mine is going fine. (I thought it was something like a Monday or Tuesday-I think I am losing control over my days ;x )

I do that a lot when I'm on summer vacation xD

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To be perfectly honest, I don't remember much about the weekend.


I spent basically all of yesterday (and this morning) reading (and finishing) Stephanie Meyer's 'Breaking Dawn'. But I won't say any more about that...spoilers, and all that jazz.


Oh yeah. And I helped peel sweet corn this morning also. My dad is a sales representative for Pioneer seed corn, and so he gets a lot of sweet corn every year, mainly from his brother. My brothers and I always groan when it comes to that time of the year...we hate peeling all that dang corn! :)


Other than that, not much. I hope everyone else's was a lot more exciting that mine was. (Other than the book, of course, my weekend wasn't much)


*stares guiltily around*


I'm rambling again. lol

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My weekend was ok. Spent most of it in a Hotel in Rotorua and in their wonderful heated swimming pool and two spa pools :D Was great, to relax for a little while!!!

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I spent my weekend being an Edward fangirl.


Friday; I was packing for a Breaking Dawn release party/stay-up-all-night over.


Friday night/Saturday morning; We were at two release parties. All the fangirls started a countdown and then we screamed like crazy. As soon as we got the book, we stayed up till like really early reading. I was the second one to give up at the party. My dyslexia-thingy was acting up and I didn't have my glasses.


Saturday evening; I continued to read and then we went to The taste. It's like the taste of Chicago but it's in my hometown. It was amazing.


Sunday; Slept till 3 cuz I had up for nearly 40 hours straight (I blew cuz I think I fell asleep on my dad's shoulder for about 20 minutes). Then I was dragged off to church where I got to show off some of my new clothes. Then I took a bath and read Breaking Dawn the whole time. I finished at like REALLY early this morning. Definetly not past 1.

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This topic is in need of a rev up!!! Where is Morgan *booming voice* MORGAN?!?!?!


Hmmm... I wonder should we talk about cheese? What is your favourite cheese? *puts out a platter of cheese* Don't touch the cheese!!!

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Hmmm... I knew that would get you in here!!! Now what is your favourite cheese?? Mine is umm.... I can't remember!! I like lots of cheese!!

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Mmm... cheese. *sniffs* I wonder how melted cheese would taste if you stuck it in a waffle? *is hungry* :P

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Riiight... so, does anybody have any other interesting topics to discuss? Like the fact that wires are very annoying to trip over? <_<

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^^^^ Well spit it out...


Umm.. Morgan!! What sort of cheeses? and exactly how do you mix them together? I am not a big fan of cheese by itself!!

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A dog tripping. That's hilarious.


You have to melt the cheeses together. That's the best way. My favorite combo is provolone, cheddar, and swiss all melted and gooey. xD

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:sick01: No offence n' all, but that sounds slightly repulsive!!! Lols... I will take your word for it, though I don't think I am going to try it anytime soon!!!

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I despise most dairy products because I my stomach just won't tolerate it.


And don't say I'm lactose intolerant. I'm not. It's just that most all milk products taste bad to me thus my stomach doesn't like them. It's sad because most ice cream flavors are repulsive to me. D:

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