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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I swear I don't know where you lot get it from!!!


It's still got words hasn't it Lev?? So since you still put more than seven words in it, technically it should count right?


Ohh blah!!! Work printer broke and is now being fixed!! Hows the foot Morgan? My thumb is infected :(

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Meh... I'll live. Just got to get a needle so I can get all the puss out :S Sounds fun huh? XD

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Lols... I wont gross you out anymore then :P Hows your weekend?

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Fine, filled with soup. xD I had to go to a one-year-old's birthday party today. Apparently he's related to me, but I never knew. xP

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I love little kids birthday parties and I like playing with babies, so that would be cool for me :P


I know people who have so much family that they can't keep track of who they are related too :P I am not one of those, although I can't for the life of me remember how many of my cousins have had kids and who they are...

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*trumpet music* Announcing Her Pwnful Empress Of Cookies And Other Things Pastry Related, The Super Crispy Crunchy Squishy Sweet Sour Salty Chocolatey--The Amazing Keiko! =D


(She wanted me to do that.)

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Ahem... *clears throat* Well is she going to grace us with her presence, or was that announcement just for the hell of it?

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Ahh... so it wasn't just a random messege then??!!! YAY 24 mins til I get to go home :D

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I used to play Zelda on Gameboy, but since I can't for the life of me figure out what happened to my Gameboy, I haven't played in years!!


How is everyone today?

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Battle Pong? o_O Am I supposed to know what that is?


The rain is starting to kick in over here, supposed to be a storm coming today *sigh* again.

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I have been there a few times, but I haven't been there lately!!! Congrats Morgan!!! So who did you beat?

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"Announcing Her Pwnful Empress Of Cookies And Other Things Pastry Related, The Super Crispy Crunchy Squishy Sweet Sour Salty Chocolatey"


HI PEOPLE. And btw I think I sound fat now because of that LOL.


Just so you all know, I have been keeping in shape THANK YOU. =]


Morgan, nothing against you. If I'm fat, I can afford pastries! Which means I have money!





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:O I never meant to say that you were fat! *cries*


Now m3l3ana, what'd I tell you? That announcement wasn't random. :P

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Well it would be kind of strange to make a annoucement like that and have no one show up!!! Then again I wouldn't put it past you Morgan :P

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She disappeared quite promptly though!!


I got a paper cut :(

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Yeah, she's only been on for about an hour every night before she leaves. At least she comes on. ^_^


Pah, paper cuts are nothing. Unless they get infected. Ouch. x.o

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