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XD I couldn't agree more - they shouldn't have cancelled Teen Titans, not when it was going so strong. :sad01_anim:


*is sleepy for some reason*


It's just like Samurai Jack. The show was going so well, and the storyline was interesting. The producers were even planning on making a movie, and then BAM! The show gets booted. *makes CN explode*

Beast Boy was funny. I don't know why CN cancelled it. Maybe to make room for their lame new shows? <_<


(At first I typed shoes instead of shows. xD)

Like "My Gym Partners A Monkey".

Ugh lamest show on Cartoonnework.

Why do they tease us with these new horrible shows?


Cartoon Network is...meh. I never really liked it (up until like a few days/weeks ago) all that much :P

But the only good new shows on Cartoon Network (I don't know if some of them are new) are Chowder, Total Drama Island and Flapjack.

And My Gym Partner's A Monkey makes me go o_O  I've watched a bit of it before... :eh:


Hey guys, just popping in to say hi...

Oh, and I have plans to build my own PC. (Info on profile.)

That's all for now.


Lols... we get My Gym Partner's A Monkey over here too. Not 100% sure where people come up with these rediculous stories!! I don't really watch many cartoons cause they are on while I am at work, plus their aren't many I like anymore.


Morning all, how are we?


Teen Titans was awesome!! Raven and Beast Boy were my faves. I used to watch cartoon network all the time, but their shows just arent good anymore. I do like courage the cowardly dog though... they dont show that one as much anymore. its kinda a nonsense show but it was cute...


its the same with nickelodeon and disney now though... not just cartoon network. they have really weird shows that just arent that good. i do have to say though that i really liked Avatar: the Last Airbender on Nick.


I'm so sad it's over! and im appalled that they are getting M. Night Shyamalan to do the film version... his movies just arent that great and i cant really see him doing a live action movie based on an anime... :sad01_anim:

M. Night Shyamalan to do the film version...



Its official....


The movie is going to be horrible...




I brought that up on the TSN forums. I already know that I'm not going to watch it. -_-


They will ruin the good name of Avatar.


Well we can hope... *shakes head*


Good luck with that new PC Levy! I'd donate if I had any money. :P


Nope. I refuse to watch it. *goes into frenzy & explodes*


I know of another anime that is going to be ruined by a live action version. It's called Akira, it has a 600% awesomeness factor, now a new, live action version is in the works. The live action will NEVER live up to the anime version, or the manga it is based off of.


Since I have no idea what the lot of you are talking about, I am not going to comment.


Anyways... Morgan why don't you invent a portable microwave? (unless that has already been done :S)


I'm not that smart. I'll probably end up with a combustable microwave that will destroy my lab. :O


Lols... you are that smart!!! All you really have to do is find a power source for one that is already made!!


Hmm, if you think it's that simple...


My green egg should be hatching at any moment now. :O


No I know it isn't that simple. But you could try!! Immagine it ... "Morgan *insert surname here* has invented a portable microwave!!!" XD


>=P I'd never tell you my last name.


That would be cool. But I think I'll just wait until the portable microwave comes along. xD I'd rather write a book.


I wasn't expecting you to tell me your last name!! It is what would be said on the news or in the paper etc.


Meh... I don't thinks I want a portable microwave, I would eat too much :P Writting a book would be cool though, although I am terrible at writting!


" “Hey, if I may interrupt, who did you say you guys were looking for?” Joseph answered, “We’re looking for a girl about seventeen years old, brown hair, about this high.” He determined the height he thought she would be with his hands. “Her name is Lydia. Have you seen anyone like that?” Kepu shook her head. “Didn’t I already tell you? We’re the only humans here. You’re a little slow, aren’t you?” Kepu chuckled to herself. “However, I can direct you to the ruler of this place. His name is Typh, and I’m sure he’ll be pleased to welcome new inhabitants to his land.” "


Your fill for the day. :P


*stomps up and down* But I want MORE!!! XD Pretty good Morgan! Are you writting a story or a novel?


Novel. And you're not getting more unless you beg. xD And I mean GROVEL! >=D


What if I bake you brownies everyday for a month??


Hmm...I do like brownies, but too much chocolate is bad for you health! D=

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