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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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You like apples??? I like certain kinds of apples, granny smith & GOLDEN delicious.


To Revenge, answering your question, your sig makes you look only a little bit plump ;b


I'm thinking of giving away most of my neopets items, I rarely go on anymore, so I've basically quit. I've been on only a few times in the last few months, and never more than 10 min.

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*pokes* Well I am sort of in the club. I don't really go on neopets anymore, but the account is still there :S Did get my goodie bag though :P

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Hmm... would this be anything like the elusive TDN Broom Closet Club for Retired Staffers that I've been tracking?

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AA: There is a TDN Broom Closet Club for Retired Staffers club?? :O


Morgan: I told you I am semi retired!!! I am still going to participate in the finals of ACIII, and then I think I will disapear for awhile. Still planning on doing the plots and things like that. They are my favourite part of neopets!!!


Psst... Morgan!!?? Is one of your eggs dying?? :O

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Morgan: I told you I am semi retired!!! I am still going to participate in the finals of ACIII, and then I think I will disapear for awhile. Still planning on doing the plots and things like that. They are my favourite part of neopets!!!


-.-' I completely quit neo. I don't get on to do the plots or even participate in the AC.


And it's not dying, it's hatching.

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Neopets...........fun site for a little bit, then it got old, I'm probably going to go on a few more times to give all my items away randomly, though I probably won't even get on to do that for a long time.





Also, that fly is still annoying me :()

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Ahhh hatching!!?? I thought I read somewhere that if they go black, they die?? :S Meh.. so confusled!!!

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:S Lols.. so confusled!! I should really be doing work you know?? Lols.. but since I am here all by myself, I am procrastinating!!


Anyways... How are you Morgan?

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Yes Marianne, such a club exists, although it is top secret. That's why I've been assigned to track it. :yes:

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That is true now. Doesn't matter, I can post here now, so there's nothing to complain about.


I've been looking for a summer job recently, what place should I do?



Come on, Great people, Slack off on peoples food, See people die of obesity cause of their fattening food.

What better way to get paid! ^_^

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:O Morgan!!! Your pants!!! :O *shades eyes*


*mutters to self* I swear what is the world coming to XD

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Phew *wipes sweat off forehead* Well that is just as well then ain't it?? :P

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My pants are blue,

But what about you?

Are your pants

Filled with ants?


A short poem by some poet that no one has ever heard of. b)

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Are your pants

Filled with ants?


A short poem by some poet that no one has ever heard of. b)


That poem reminded of of the episode of Rugrats.

Where Chuckie gets ants in his pants and starts dancing around.

I don't know how on earth I still remember that.


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