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Giovanni Gale

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I heard about that chicken story on TV.

They used a eye dropper to feed it or something.


I seriously wonder how it slept, moved, etc.

After 8 months, I'm sure it would've acted like any other regular chicken.

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It's a game where werewolves and vampires basically fight against each other. You can steal their moneys if you beat them, and you can also go on manhunts to increase your booty size. xD

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About the chicken thing: it was possible for the chicken to survive without a head because its brain stem was located at a point down its neck, and so was relatively intact even without a head. :yes:

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About the chicken thing: it was possible for the chicken to survive without a head because its brain stem was located at a point down its neck, and so was relatively intact even without a head. :yes:

Hm...very interesting...


Disgusting Fact : Jello is actually made out of certain bones

But yet it taste so good. ^_^

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Thank you? Don't know if that was a compliment or not, but I like it anyway. I've realized this ability to say so much without really saying anything at all a long time ago. It helped make most of my teachers laugh throughout elementary and middle school, they would sit there reading my essays like it was some masterpiece until ten minutes later they realized they just read eight paragraphs of a blank paper. It was cool to get As anyway without doing much.

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I've seen pumpkins that look like gourds and watermelons, and even one that was so lumpy I couldn't tell what shape it was in. xP

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Nope. Nothing comes to mind. Other than one pumkin with a stem that looked like it was being rude to me, I've nothing to say.


Do you think I should join in Twin Skies? I was looking at the forums Ian made and was wondering if this would get big...

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I like jello. Cherry is the best and everyone knows it. b)


Including Strawberry.

And mixing two different types together like the Cherry and Strawberry.


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Hi everyone!! I am not a big fan of Jelly :S


Anyways... Why are you lot talking about headless chickens, pumpkin and jelly? Strange combination!!!

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I know, I know. Still a wierd combination don't you think? I got work to do :( ARGH!!! Sometimes I think I should become a bum!!

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