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Giovanni Gale

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Yeah. Tough luck there. :/ My brother lost his memory card to the gamecube, so now he's having to use my gardens to put some of his chao in. <_<

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Yuck. He tripped over the controller cord, you know how the Dreamcast memory cards are in the controller. I wanted to kill him for destroying my precious Chao. Espically after I relized it didn;t save the gardens properly anymore.

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More I had thriving gardens and strong chao and had won a lot of races and I was trying to get Jewel chao. I love my little chao. I had a bunch of different colors.

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LOL It takes a LOT of work. There's Hero, Dark, and Netural ones. They go through 2 morphs to get to it, but the second one is either that or they dissapper, the Chao version of death. Dark and Hero ones are pertty straight forward as far as the chacters used and foods given, but Netural is harder. They need the basic garden that you start with and the food from it, and I think it's best to us both hero and dark chacters to raise them.

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Well, at least skim it before asking what you missed like a random n00b.




extremely cute chaos!

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Chaos is a bad guy, er, monster in SA. Chao in the plural of Chao.


sorry typo. I do think Chaos is very cool. and blue with emerald eyes...

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Yeah. And it is fun to attack him. Although, I've only ever comeleted it with Knuckles and E-102. I can't get past level 1 with Amy or Big for some reason, and Sonic I think I'm stuck at 6-emerald Chaos, and Tails I'm not sure....

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Guest �strophysicist

Speaking of chaos, during the Lost Desert Plot Razul caused chaos. ((I finally read the rest of the comics.) I made an avatar of Razul.



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