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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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All Viacom cares about is money... and that is all they see in people, walking sacks of cash. And they will do anything to exploit that.



Child: "Mommy mommy! I wanna dress up my pet, can I have some money?"

Mother: "What kind of money?"

Child: "Real money."

Mother: "Real money for fake online clothes?"

Child: "But mommy, I wanna make it look pretty!"

Mother: "No."

Child: *Cries*

Mother: *Buys the Neocash stuff to shut child up.*


Personally I think that is slack parenting. Once I have said "no" unless there is some really, amazingly good reason for me to change my mind, my child doesn't get it!! Meh.. that is just me though. I can listen to her scream until she is blue in the face (expression). Lols... I sound cruel :S


Anyways... Hi everyone!!! How are we all?


Ohh and congrats on the job Morgan!!!! :D

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*nods* I agree. There is no point in giving a child everything they want, especially when they start throwing tantrums and crying to get it. If anything if she starts screaming and crying for it, it makes me stand firmer on my decision!!! I hate bratty children, that throw tantrums :grrr: they irritate me!! Anyways.. I left her in the super market once screaming cause she wanted a chocolate bar lols.. just walked out the door (made sure I could see her though) and soon or later she followed me!! Lols.. You should have seen the looks I got :P Anyone would have thought I just smacked her across the head with a baseball bat!!!

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*brings in pumpkin bombs* XD


I already said this before but: congratulations on the mod position Morgan! :D Oh, and congrats on 4000 posts as well!

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:ohno: An ambitious poster, aiming to topple me from my pedestal!


:P Kidding, kidding - a little competitive posting never hurt anybody.

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Nothing much. I'm listening to my gerbil scratch at his cage in a mad attempt to break free. xD


:O You have a gerbil? :O

My brother had one years ago. The most playful rodent I've seen in a long time.

White fur and red eyes. =D


But I think my hamster was teh bestest.

Even though he was incredibly lazy. He could sit on your tummy for hours.

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^^ I want a gerbil like that. Mine is a demon. He'll poop on you if you hold him and eventually bite your finger and not let go. :(

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Be thankful it's just a gerbil. Imagine the same situation with a snake.


But really, any animal can be vicious, even if it's against their nature. I used to have a bunch of goldfish. They were fine in the beginning, but we fed them alot and when we realized that was bad for them we cut down on the fish food considerably. They seemed to notice and started eating each other to make up for it. It also didn't help when my brother decided to buy a beta fish and put it in the same tank. It started with five regular sized fish, plus one beta later, and ended up with two gold fish, one small, discolored, blind, and with half a tail fin, the other very large and dominating (the beta lost, those guys fight to the death you know). They both died eventually, the small one of being weak, the big one of being overfed (which is what we were trying to avoid in the first place x.x).


We haven't had fish since. Dogs looked like a better choice.

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Oh wow. We used to have a goldfish. One day we thought it died, and my dad poked it, and it came back to life for a few more weeks. xD

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XD That's funny. I once read about this woman who bought a "dead" turkey for Thanksgiving. When she brought it home and started cooking it, and got freaked out when she heard it gobbling inside the oven. She pulled it out and it was still making a racket and moved for awhile. It was dead by dinner though.

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I can. It's stuck in my head now that you mention it. I like watching that show, though...

But stuff like that happens all the time. Chickens can go for weeks with their heads cut off. There was one who lasted for 8 1/2 months after decapitation. It died of choking on a corn kernel.

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