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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Vandalizing signatures... reminds me of the staff pwnage contest we had a while back. :yes:

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My little red dragon looks evil. @_@


Your little red dragon looks cute...although I will admit that the glowing orange eyes do give it a very evil look...ah well, I like the purple one best. ^_^

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Dragons are cool. I draw them alot. I might post a picture in the forums here if I like it enough.


So, you're a mod now? Does that mean you get to poke us with laser swords without fear of backlash now? It's a good thing you're not evil... or are you?!


Dun-dun duuunn!

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Well good. It's healthy to live different and poke fun with people, those being two different things, every once in a while. *poke fun*


Though in real life, don't overdo it or they'll break your finger off. (*nomorepokes*:()

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Heh, me too. I used to have these wicked long and freakishly sharp fingernails. They were longer than all the girls nails and made scratches in metal. I ignored them when they said it hurt when I grabbed them, but then they started to annoy me as well (I kept cutting myself by accident and they were getting dirty underneath way too often). So I broke them off. Yep, when they're soaked long enough it's much more efficient than using a nail cutter. Though I still do keep my right pinkie long, just because I like it, but I make sure to keep it dull so it doesn't get too annoying.

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Well it's not like I made gouges or anything. They were small, but they were there. Saying anything more than that would be exaggerating. And the pinkie is not really that big. Not as big as the others were. Maybe I'll measure it...

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Oh, I can handle them much better now. There used to be a pet store at the mall I go to, and I got to hold all the puppies and hamsters and gerbils and rabbits that come in there. I'd come out smelling like a barn, but it was worth it. Unfortunately the store closed down about five days ago. It's been up there ever since I was little, too...

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It was fun. :yes: All the puppies were really cute, and you'd almost never see kittens because they would sell out so fast. And I remember there was one gerbil that was there since it was little, its hair was always ruffled up so badly because it was the only one that didn't jump ten feet in the air when you touched it. Nobody ever bought him though...

It's really sad that it finally went down. Now what will I do when I'm done shopping and waiting for my parents to pick me up? If I did find something it wouldn't be the same.

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Yep. Ah, well. Nothing lasts forever.


Now what do I say...

Besides that, nothing much is going on. Just sitting in the couch trying to escape the heat with an AC in my face. It went to 100ºF last week. It's getting hotter every year... and I still have nothing to do.


(o_O? 555 posts!)

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You should go up north for the summer. It's nice and breezy outside, I bet the sun's less intense up here, and there's rain a lot more often. Although whether that's good or not depends on if you like rain and stuff like that. I do. ^_^


(Going away for awhile, be right back.)

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