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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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lol it's nice, though. It sounds like the Totem:




I like that totem pole...I'd like to be a totem pole...XD

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My copier/printer is still printing...I had to make 50 copies of something...

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Of what?


I'm good. All I need for math is a pen (yes, I do gemorty in ink) and a calculator. And W. Geography is easy.


I'm making flyers...it's really fun when I get to goof off on the computer.

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It is! I really like working with Print Shop. All sorts of cool effects.


Yay for computers and messing with pictures!

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haha is that for your campaign Keiko? And I found my Print Shop the other day! I think I'm going to use it soon for fun.


XD It would have been funny if that was my campaign! XD


Vote for Keiko! Remember, yay for computers!

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When are your council elections?


Wednesday...they gave us very short notice.

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oh i hope you win! you're running for secretary right?


Yep. A lesser spot. President isn't availible for my grade.


Thanks for the cheer!

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well secretary is a very good start. Next year you can become president and rule your school :evil: sry, my ruling instincts love to come out XD


You know what, that isn't a bad idea...A lot of people like me in my grade and in younger grades anyway! Go ruling the school! :king:

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Guess what I am doing right now. I'll give you a hint, it is on photoshop.


Making a new siggy or avvie? Yo need a new siggy...

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same here...I just got over a mental breakdown...


This is what happened:


I was putting the glitter glue in this tight bucket. I was putting some in, and then I tried to stick one in, but it wouldn't fit. So I try to take it out. The cap comes off and glitter glue is spraying everywhere!!! :ohno: This happens about three times. :ohno:


Finally, I get everything sorted out, every glue stick was in, barely. I start walking away, and my mom finds a stray glitter glue on the ground!!! :ohno:


At least I got that one without it spraying all over the place...

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