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Giovanni Gale

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Yeah, you had a dry winter last year because we had all your snow here, we had 3 blizzards last year <_< But right now its 55 and sunny :whistle: so its very nice out. In fact the entire east coast has no clouds right now :whistle:

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Yeah, I think its going to be a crazy winter. We even had snow here (although admittedly not much) 2 days before Halloween. We don't usually get snow until at least the end of december, if even then. We've had years where it hasn't snowed until april, so this is crazy early for snow. Thankfully it warmed back up rather quickly.

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With the early snow this year, I was surprised we didn't have snow on Halloween. (It's way more common to have snow on Halloween here, than on Christmas.)


I heard on the news, that the winters here in Colorado have slowly been getting warmer and more dry in the last 20 years. I remember we used to have several serious blizzards a year when I was in elementary school.

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I could do with school being closed on Mondays, though. Because I have PE on Mondays. But if it snows, and school is still open, they better not make us still go outside!

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Dear Spritzie, please do not send any of your snow here either. Thanks!


Yeah, I hate driving in it too, if that wasn't a consideration then I would probably enjoy it.


Okay, I won't send you any. :P


The roads were horrible this morning. I slid a few times on the way to work and a co-worker actually did a 360 on the road near the building. o_O


How can you even send snow without it melting on the way?


Good question. Ummm, box it and place in a freezer truck, as if we were shipping ice cream. :yes: That should work.

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The MultiQuote is my best friend. Well, one of them. It's a really awesome feature that makes things easier.

I find that feature confusing to use ...


Me and my family had just went to I-City and finally get to experience the snow, the environment was really cold and quite slippery, when I wore that blue parka, I started to think of Elbin Kroe, then later on, we also tried a new experience, but this time, with Arabic food!

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^^ What my brother said (excluding Albin Kroe). We finally get to experience snow. :D I almost fell to the ground for like 3 times, so I mostly just hang on to my mom.


We only went in there for about less than an hour. But I already couldn't feel my face, hands, and legs. It was amazing. xD

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What's the coldest if ever gets naturally where you live? I'm guessing not very cold if you've never seen snow before.


The coldest would be around 24 Celsius. :( We don't and will never get snow naturally here.

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Yeah, wow, that is quite warm (although I admit I had to look up the conversion :* ) I mean I knew it was hot over there but I just assumed winter was at least a little cold. That's pretty much still bordering on hot.


I guess I take seasonal changes for granted.

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