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Giovanni Gale

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whatever, hey did you know music does affect a person's personality?


Where did you saw that? In some kind of scientific text or documentary?

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Guest Астр&#10

My thoughts, I understand people are calmer when they listen to classical. A person is more edgy and irritable when listening rock and heavy metal. But this is from my own personal experience. I listen to Mozart when I am angry and irritable.


Edit {2:24pm nst}: Weather sucks ---> http://wwwa.accuweather.com/watches-warnin...09&metric=0

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I believe some melancolic songs/melodies/balads can make you sad and sometimes make you cry but I'm not so sure about rock/metal because personally I listen to those kind of music and I rarely get angry or irritable but when I'm with a bad temper (something that doesn't happen very often) I may be really "scary" sometimes. ^_^

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I've always just found that a song I like will calm me down or cheer me up or whatever I need. Dunno why. I think it has to do with the beat the of music.... And I don't mean speed, I just mean the constant, steady beat.

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Guest Астр&#10

See, music does effect people. That is fact. Certain music effects the brain in different ways, kinda like smell does. It all depends on the person.


Do you like VGcats? I just made an avatar of Leo:


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Oh....now we're talking about VG cats.....



Random question: How do you make urls like.....accesible, like say, I wanted to give a link for google.ca to you, how do I make it? & How do I say like....something other than the link?



VG cats - there's a topic on them....I think in media + entertainment.......It might be somewhere else though....


Yes, and anime also goes on the shoutbox very often....how do you have so much time anime???

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I'm thinking of using one, as I need a change, but I have no siggy to go with it, and I don't feel like making one...


I like the new animated one! Your avies are getting better as each one passes by! Wow....how do you guys have so much time? Don't your teachers kill you with homework too???

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Okay, I'd be gone by then though. I can't wait til the weekend, cause I can already daydream of how I'm just going to SLEEP all night, and sleep until 10, not 7....God I need to sleep soon.

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