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Giovanni Gale

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I just rstocked a 1.3 million book on half price day.

I thought this day would never happen. xD

So whats been up people?

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I just rstocked a 1.3 million book on half price day.

I thought this day would never happen. xD

So whats been up people?




i have 2 first place trophies! that pretty new.. ^_^


WAIt... it's half price day? *runs back to neopets*

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I just rstocked a 1.3 million book on half price day.

I thought this day would never happen. xD

So whats been up people?


Good job! I got a decent UB yesterday, but not worth THAT much!


And thanks for reminding me that it's half price day! :D *restocks and hopes*

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i just began adding eggs to my siggy. according to the site, people have to click on them a certain amount of times before they can hatch...

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Hey people. I'm back on for a couple of days. Not much has happened here, I see, save for two new faces to the HOP. =D

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Well I have been off to for a little while, I think I am going to quit neopets, not sure though. Kind of getting bored with it :(

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Yeah I was thinking about that. I will probably keep my account, but am going to get rid of my premium (I think). Just don't know if I will want to go back after my book phase is over :P But then again I have been reading books for years. ARGH... I don't know :S

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Meh... I don't know, I'll decide this week. All I know is that I am bored of Neopets.

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I could find reasons to like that site during its first few years, not anymore though. Too many sponsorships and kiddie things. <_<

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I don't know if I should quit, after all, I like my pets, account, and everything about it. I don't see a reason to quit :crying:

But I've tried Subeta, and IMO, it's better than Neopets. A bit more mature though. :P

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Guest Levy

All Viacom cares about is money... and that is all they see in people, walking sacks of cash. And they will do anything to exploit that.



Child: "Mommy mommy! I wanna dress up my pet, can I have some money?"

Mother: "What kind of money?"

Child: "Real money."

Mother: "Real money for fake online clothes?"

Child: "But mommy, I wanna make it look pretty!"

Mother: "No."

Child: *Cries*

Mother: *Buys the Neocash stuff to shut child up.*

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I guess that I'm not about to quit any time soon-I'm just on a neo-hiatus for now. Ditto for all my side (storage) accounts. They're on hiatus...like I ever use them :P

The Altador Cup and Keyquest aren't reasons for me to go on a hiatus. It's just that Neopets is getting pretty boring for me, but I might come back a few weeks/days/whatever(s) later and get back into it but meh. o:

(Yay, awesome topic :))

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Child: "Mommy mommy! I wanna dress up my pet, can I have some money?"

Mother: "What kind of money?"

Child: "Real money."

Mother: "Real money for fake online clothes?"

Child: "But mommy, I wanna make it look pretty!"

Mother: "No."

Child: *Cries*

Mother: *Buys the Neocash stuff to shut child up.*


Exactly! That kind of thing bothers me...


Which is why, if I even bother with the clothing, I go to the Qasalan Expelibox, or however it's spelled.


Although it doesn't seem to like me much. :)

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Which is why, if I even bother with the clothing, I go to the Qasalan Expelibox, or however it's spelled.


Although it doesn't seem to like me much. :)


Same here xD But in November/December (ehh....maybe November), I got a Neocash card for my 10th birthday. And that's the only history of Neocash on my account besides getting the free 150 NC xD

Qasalan Expellibox, on the other hand, ALWAYS fails me when it comes to getting NC. I always get something silly that I don't need. Heck, one of my Neopets got a disesase. Believe me, I did not like that one bit. :grrr:

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Guest Levy
Whatever you want to do. I've found other things to fill the time I have now that I quit neo. ^_^

I spend my time on dA or Bightfight. Other times I am here or on Betsuni. Now that school has ended I have begun to regain interest in Runescape, after several other MMORPGs failed to hold my attention.


What do you do Morgan?

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xD I guess you figured that out.


Anyway, I'm back home early. PM me if you want details.


And to answer your question, Levy, I've signed up for a few different adoptable sites and I've gotten hooked on Bitefight. xD I also have a few books to read...and a new job to do. Being red is cool. :P

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Stars still pwn colors...

BTW: I hereby give mods permission to vandalize my sig... I ain't got anything to put there anyway. XD

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