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Giovanni Gale

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*Shrugs* I finished the Altador plot when it came out. :P But I have yet to fully complete a 'real' plot.

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I've completed the Altador Plot as well, but apart from that, RoS is my first. But that's just on my current account. Years ago when I first started, I was in the Battle For Meridell plot (the one with Lord Kass). It was all battling (which I was bad at because I'd just started), but at least I killed a few spyders. I took a long hiatus and when I came back I'd forgotten my pass.

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Yeah... Good luck with all that...


Question: Does anybody watch Lost? Aus is about a week behind but I watch the eps on my computer when they come out in America (in fact I'm gonna watch the most recent one in a minute). It's a great show :D

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I agree that a lot of TV these days can be stupid, but there are some shows on that are just fantastic. Lost is one of those shows. This is just my opinion of course...

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Lost is a show thats been running for a few years now. 48 people crashed in a plane on a mysterious island and nobody can find them. That is the basic plot, if I were to try and explain it all to you, it would take me a very long time as there are so many random twists and turns that nobody can keep up. They are up to the 4th Season now and nobody knows when it will end or what exactly is going to happen, but I think the writers are making it up as they go along.


In fact I'm gonna go watch it now, I'll be back soon!

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I personally find lost dull and boring.

I couldnt even watch the first episode


Good night Revenge

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Good night Revenge!


Wow it can be dull sometimes but I thought this week's episode of Lost was fantastic! My theory of time being involved doesn't seem so stupid anymore :P

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Eh... I don't watch TV shows. I prefer to spend the time on my computer writing stories. :P


But I do try and catch Avatar episodes.

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I don't watch Avatar, but I've heard it's good.


I'm a bit out of practice with my writing lately, I should really try and start writing something...

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