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Giovanni Gale

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Guest Public Enemy #1 Levy

Hey Dill, cheer up. Read this old quote I came up with a long time ago.


"When life sucks... make it not suck somehow."


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lawls the only way i can do that is making my best friend move back, me have 30k dollars to let my sister go to college and go to a different school. :P

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Bad days are common. And I'm slow because I have to type everything with one finger. You see, I navigate the Web using my supercoolio Wii's internet browser. Typing is done separately from page viewing, using a point-and-click proccess similar to the DS's Pictochat rooms. So my usual guess is somebody already posted after you before me. Good for them.

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Thats pretty neat.


Incase your not on my msn I HAVE A WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!


@Aang: How did you get the browser for free?

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Im giving neo one last chance. :D

Dont worry i dont really play much. Just want to be elite!!!!!!!!!!111!

Sorry i couldnt resist. but Viacom Still sucks!

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Ewww scientology. Sorry but thats too strict for me. Levy i bet you during this year i will leave neopets for at least 3 months

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Eh... it seems this board is finally getting a bit more active.


Big corporations in general tend to suck...

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I'll take a look at that shop...


It is true by the way - TDN is more active because you're back. :P

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Advertise? Well I guess we could use DOOM's resources to advertise... but if half the world's population suddenly starts yelling about how great one fansite is, won't somebody start to suspect mind control?

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That would be an incredibly high-resource task. One of the mind-control viruses we've been developing might be a more efficient solution.

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I am the head of DOOM Corp.'s undercover division - discretion is our speciality. :devil:

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