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Giovanni Gale

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There's nothing wrong with a guy discussing hair styles with a lady. >_>;; Actually, men have a better sense for women because they know what men like. I have a couple friends and ex-girlfriends that take me to the hair salon with them so I can explain to the stylist what they want. >_< Then, my female friends treat me to a meal to make up for dragging me around. I hate hair salons. They're absolutely dreadful.

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I don't like haircuts - they're right up there on my most boring things to do list. Generally I get a book to read while waiting.

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There's nothing wrong with a guy discussing hair styles with a lady. >_>;; Actually, men have a better sense for women because they know what men like. I have a couple friends and ex-girlfriends that take me to the hair salon with them so I can explain to the stylist what they want. >_< Then, my female friends treat me to a meal to make up for dragging me around. I hate hair salons. They're absolutely dreadful.

I bring a reference picture for haircut places.. xD

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Anyone know shy she keeps putting *'s on all her text? I usually only use those for actions, or put one at the end of a word to show it's a spelling correction.


I believe it's because of her avatar. She had to change it on the "Dare" board. After that, she began writing "roar" and other bear growls and wrote the translation in asterics. (I think that is what they are called)


Either that, or she likes how it looks.


One of the styles I hate most is when a girl has hair as short as a guy... and the girl likes boys. I mean, what guy likes girls with that short of hair?


Since when did hair have to do with gender preferences? It's rather pathetic.

Hair doesn't bother me in the least bit. Personally, I always believed that saying that the inside of a person is what counts. Besides, don't you think that is kind of cruel for the cancer patients with no hair at all?


Man, I seriosuly need to find something to do. I never talk about style. 0_0

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Metroid, when did cancer patients get into this conversation? I've got family who are in kemo, but that's a valid reason to have short/no hair. I was watching Unleashed (Jet Li movie), and the main female actress had hair shorter than Jet Li. I just don't find it attractive. Jeez, Metroid.

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Well, how long a person's hair is doesn't really count for me. Not that I ever get into relationships or the sort. However, I find my hair does get in the way sometimes (it grows waaaaaaay too fast).

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Well, how long a person's hair is doesn't really count for me. Not that I ever get into relationships or the sort. However, I find my hair does get in the way sometimes (it grows waaaaaaay too fast).


Exactly. Although my hair grows moderatly faster than average...

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I don't know, I like it to be at least 6 inches long. That way there's more than me, and enough to run my fingers through. >_> The reason I said "Jeez" was because you seemed to get so hostile over that....

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I don't know, I like it to be at least 6 inches long. That way there's more than me, and enough to run my fingers through. >_> The reason I said "Jeez" was because you seemed to get so hostile over that....


I wouldn't say hostile. I may have been a bit edgy, but I certainly didn't mean to be aggresive over the situation. It's not a big deal.

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Then make it an electric fly swatter...


Darn it, my downloading software is not working properly. It keeps quitting halfway.

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I think we should stop picking on TJ. I'm sure he gets enough of that in his "special" courses.



I think of it more as friendly teasing. Most of us here at the forum have either given or recieved us.

We are like one big teasing family.

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