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Pet and Petpet Colour Availability

How should colours be released?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should All Pets Be Able to Be Painted All Paint Brush Colours?

    • Yes. When a new paint brush is released, its colour should be available to all species immediately. This should apply to all future colours.
    • Yes. When a new brush is released, all pets should be able to be painted. No more colours should be released until all colours are available to all species.
    • No. When a brush is released, only a few species should be made eligible at a time. TNT should keep releasing colours
    • No. When a brush is released, only a few species should be made eligible at a time, but TNT should make all colours slowly available to all pets before creating new colours.
  2. 2. Should All Colours Be Available to All Petpets

    • Yes. When new petpet paint brush is released, it should immediately be available for all petpet species. This should apply to all future colours.
    • Yes. When new petpet paint brush is released, it should immediately be available for all petpet species. No new colours should be released until all petpets can be painted all currently available colours.
    • No. When a brush is released, only a few species should be made eligible at a time. TNT should keep releasing colours
    • No. When a brush is released, only a few species should be made eligible at a time, but TNT should make all colours slowly available to all pets before creating new colours.

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I was looking around the rainbow pool today and it was kind of bugging me how some awesome colours (woodland, water, chocolate, etc) are available to so few species. I think it would be awesome if, on the release date of the colour, it was immediately available for all species. The same with petpets. I also think that, before releasing any new colours, TNT should make the current colours available to all pets and petpets.


Some people think that this would ruin some of the exclusivity of the colours. Some people think pet days would be less exciting without new colours being released for those pets. I think making all colours available for all pets would allow for much more customization freedom.


What do you guys think?


Yes I guess some people have a point when they say it takes away the fun of pet days but really pet days only occur once a year! To have to wait that long for a chance that the NP team might release a paintbrush for your pet that you actually like enough to spend thousands of neopoints on is too much of a chance for me.


Emily are you a uni lover? I remember looking at the uni colors being sad that there were so few! :(


I voted for No - Only a few at a time, but continue releasing colors, for both pets and petpets.


First- Pets:

I do find it frustrating that there's colors (like you mentioned, Woodland, Relic, Wrath, Water, Transparent etc) that don't have very many, and it's frustrating to have to wait possibly years for it to be available for the species you want. But I also really enjoy and look forward to, seeing what colors are released on pet days. I also like that there's older colors that aren't available, because they release one newer color, and one older.


As long as they aren't neglecting older colors (which they aren't) I have no issue with them releasing new colors. I enjoy seeing new colors pop up, because they're fun and exciting. I do think they've released quite a few recently, and should slow down a bit and stay with what they have.



I feel the same way, but they do seem to be a bit bias. There's tons of species of petpets that have very few colors (that aren't even new), yet others that there are tons of. (Like Angelpuss, Slorg, Meepit) I wish there would be more released at a time (since there's far more species of petpets than pets) and there would be more variety of species chosen.


I feel slightly different about releasing more colors for petpets. I don't think they should stop, but I think they should keep it super slow, just because so many petpets are lacking more than a few options.


I really enjoy looking forward to pet days to see the new colors released, so I wouldn't want them to change that. However, I do feel that releasing 2 colors a year for a pet just isn't enough for some species with the new colors coming out (but maybe I'm wrong on that). I think it would be good if they would release more than 2 colors a year on pet days until they get close to being caught up to all pets.


As for petpets I agree it does seem they're biased. Since there are so many petpets compared to neopets I feel that they should work on releasing a bunch of petpets to be able to be painted a certain color at a time. Like the neopets I don't think they should stop making new colors, but some great petpets can only be painted a couple colors so I would love to see them release batches of newly colored petpets at a time.


I honestly believe that there's no harm in only having a couple of pets elligable to a certain colour when said colour is first released, however. I do think that TNT ought to introduce those colours for other pets eventually.


I LOVE the idea that every featured pet day (lenny festival, ogrin day, etcetera) new colours for that species is introduced and I would encourage that, just as long as certain colours will never always be unavailable for certain pets.


For petpets on the other hand, I believe that there's so many petpets in existance as it is, with only a couple of petpet brushes even working on the majority of them, that TNT needs to slow down and start releasing all the colours that they have already for their petpets, before charging ahead and making new ones. A lot of the available colours are absolutely fantastic, and no doubt would look fantastic on a great deal of petpets that sadly they are unavailable for.


Yes I guess some people have a point when they say it takes away the fun of pet days but really pet days only occur once a year! To have to wait that long for a chance that the NP team might release a paintbrush for your pet that you actually like enough to spend thousands of neopoints on is too much of a chance for me.


Emily are you a uni lover? I remember looking at the uni colors being sad that there were so few! sad.gif


Yup :) love them and all the colours they come in (except for zombie. Not a fan of zombie pets.)


I feel slightly different about releasing more colors for petpets. I don't think they should stop, but I think they should keep it super slow, just because so many petpets are lacking more than a few options.


yes! That`s what got me thinking of this whole think. I think I was looking at altachucks or something. Despite them being around for so long, they only have 5 colours. There`s a few species that have even fewer. I just think it`s weird that they keep releasing colours (and even species) when there's a) so many options already and b) some of the existing species are so neglected


Exactly! And a lot of the petpets with very few, are super cute, so it's not like there's no one wanting them, so they don't bother.


I don't know if it's due to how they're made available, being a prize from the Space Faerie Scratchcard, but Orbulons are one of the ones that bugs me. They are beyond cute, and until fairly recently, there was 1 color. Now there's 2.


i feel sorry for feepits, they are really losing in the meepit/feepit thing regarding colours, there are like 5 feepit colours? and how many

meepit colours?


i wish colours were released more frequently, but not all at once, i imagine its a significant amount of work imagining the artwork, then having to draw all the different poses. so probably maybe 5-6 colours per species (depending on how many they have already) instead of the 2 per year?


and i really feel for petpets, the situations worse than what it is for pets.


someone once asked why they don't release invisible for all the pets/petpets, because no effort required :P lol!


There is some effort required for invisible though XD You can still customise invisible pets! Need to make sure things are hovering in the right place!


For Petpets, I become angry when TNT releases new Petpets and NOT new colours. Some pets, like the Tuceet, have NO alternative colours! I'm desperately waiting the day when they make a Faerie Tanizard as I think Faerie colours could work spectacularly on them (if they put effort on it. I was shocked at how lazy the Faerie Anubis was, and ten years ago that would have been my fantasy dream Petpet!)


EDIT: The NEW version. I've discovered the old version and it's gorgeous! WHY change that TNT??


I totally agree that TNT needs to fix the petpet color problem -- they are just pouring out new petpets in every direction, but there are so many species that have very few color options. I think they need to put a hold on coming out with any more species until they've made sure that every species has more than just a few color options.


With pets, though, I think customization is so detailed already that it doesn't matter that not every pet can be painted every color. I agree that it's fun to look forward to pet days to see which new colors will be released, and I think making every color immediately available for every pet would mean that people would get bored with new colors faster, and TNT would have to release a lot more new colors to keep interest up. Also, I think part of the fun of having different species in the first place is that not every type of pet can be every color -- if colors are universally available, it'll eliminate a lot of the variety between species and make the game a little too equalized. If that makes sense.


I voted for yes on both bc I have an altachuck that I really really want to paint plushie but thats not available. I think altachucks would look soooo adorable as a plushie! I really don't paint any pets or petpets so when I came across this I was seriously bummed out. If they made more petpets possible to be painted more colors then maybe they wouldn't feel a need to create more pets. *sigh*


I think the way colours are currently released for pets is fine. Most of the pets have more or less similar number of colours available to them and the variation in the type of colours available is what makes each pet unique. I do agree that it's frustrating when the colours that you want are not available but the wait is always worth it.


I think that the availability of colours for each pet should be more even. Some petpets like the meepit and the angelpuss are lucky enough to have so many options to choose from. Less fortunate petpets like the kiiyak and the momba don't have many colours to choose from. I do look forward to the day when Jinjahs have more colour options.

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