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Advent Calendar Investment Items


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I was wondering what everyone's opinion is on the best items for investment so far from the Advent Calendar this year. My favourite item so far is Very Long First Day of Celebrating, and I was wondering if anyone would agree that this particular book is a really good investment, and or if any of the other items are better. :-)

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books are always a good investment, in fact anything that is once use generally will go up. be aware that the price may be falsely inflated at the moment, as everyone has got the same idea :) for example, some of the GMC prizes, the heavy war hammer was selling during GMC for about 10k. you can get it for 7k in some usershops now :) (although it is also available in the normal shops, pre-GMC it was like 50k i think)


i don't generally invest in advent anymore, unless i find it cute :P wish i had bought more snowbunnies at the time! as it is free, many people get them, so its only worth it for looong term investment (unless TNT randomly comes out with an avatar for it!)


if you are curious as to how good an investment these items are, i suggest having a look at past advent prizes and what they are going for click here for a list of all prizes :)

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When it doubt, consumeables, wearables and weapons are your best bet for investing. Since there's no limit to the amount of things your SDB can hold, might as well save it all. Then you can see what begins to increase in value and refine your collection :) In fact, one of the staff members around here *cough*Xander*cough* has seen his obsessive hoarding of EVERYTHING to be quite profitable :D

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I think 'Stuck in the Lost Isle Background' will be a popular wearable in years to come. It also can be used year-round, not just in this season, which is a plus-point.


'Feather Wig' might be a good one to look out for, but I'm personally not a fan :guiltysmiley:

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I've been heading to the Advent Calendar for years and have yet to make a good investment on many of the items it provides. It's weird you made this topic, because I've recently cleaned out my Safety Deposit Box of items from Y8-Y10. :guiltysmiley: I hardly made much of a profit. :sad01_anim: At one point, a year ago or whenever it was they had released the Christmas Paint Brushes, I had purchased a ton of them and saved them, I was able to make a lot of money on those. But generally the value of the Advent Calendar items heads downwards, regardless of being retired. It's simple, actually. Too many users obtain these items.


The one use items do create SOME value, if you're fortunate, but not a significant amount which I'd call it a good investment. It's best to get your NP in some other manner.

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