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Yes, another new person to the boards. I found this site while looking for cooking pot recipes. Like others I am interested in the avatar lending program that this site offers. I have a few that I still need ;)


I'm a 37 year old graduate student changing my career yet again. I'm married with one child living in the Pacific Northwest ... *taps chin* can't thing of anything else to add.


Nice to meet everyone. :)


welcome welcome! i love that your like me and cant decide fully on one gallery, and we both collect sand items ^_^ of course i pair my sand with a less common partner..


anyways glad to have you, take a look around. if you ar in need of a custom sig/avi there are postsi nteh graphics area or feel free to ask me (my stand got closed, pooy)


Thanks pixie for your offer of a signature ... I'll have to go look in the graphics area, or I might take you up on your offer. You should have seen my gallery before! I had three other categories - I ended up selling them off since it got to be too much to collect that many things. *Goes off to check your sand gallery*


Pixie, Wow!! Your lookup is the best I've ever seen, honestly!!!


i also have a zombie one going on my webpixie account and have a list and some items for another which im addign to another side account, obviusly the ones of my main journal are my most worked on.. well when im not saving nps..like now...


Very nice gallery, I like the way that you've added your wish list right on the front right there. Again, really impressive lookup.


Well, I'm off to class for the evening - I have a presentation to give *bah* ... anyway, thanks for the welcome.


Hello! Welcome to the TDN forums :yes: Have fun and... well, everyone else has pretty much covered it... I shall reinforce Vivi's warning about Metroid and his puns though :D


Welcome! I'm antiaircraft, *shakes hand*, have fun and watch out for Metroid and his puns!


You don't have to be careful for them. People always say that in their welcome greeting. xD Well, not me and a few other people though.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Damien Happy B-Day im Sigma!

*pokes to sign* Read the rules and watch out for Metroid and his puns!....

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