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Hi! I'm Hannah. I started playing Neopets about 10 years ago. I went through a couple stages where I forgot about it. In high school, I restarted playing it over the breaks. Now I'm in college and play it every day! My dream pet is a Draik :] I love dragons! My favorite game is Faerie Bubbles. I recently got the Pack Rat avatar, so I'm currently on a mission to clean out my SDB

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Hi Hannah. :) I'm Mackenzie. I'm the same way as you, playing it every day and then temporarily forgetting about it. Also, I got the SDB avatar a year ago and I still haven't cleaned mine out. I'm working on it slowly! Welcome to the TDN forums. I'm sure you'll love it here. Everybody is great and welcoming. :)

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Everyone dreams of owning a Draik these days. If you get lucky at the Forgotten Shore and win a Pirate Draik Egg, let us know!

Also, welcome to The Daily Neopets, Hannah. They call me Neomysterion, and I work here as a forum moderator. I like dragons as well, but I enjoy other menacing creatures like the python and the shark. Favourite Neopets game for me would be either Nova Defender, Nimmo's Pond, and Tubular Kiko Racing (only if the NP ratios are really good).


I hope you stick around, everyone at TDN is nice and helpful by all means neccessary. I'll be seeing you around!

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Hey Hannah! It's nice to meet you :) You have pretty much exactly the same neo background as me, and my favey pets are also Draiks :*


Welcome to the forums hun :D Looking forward to getting to know you better ^^


Saxen xxx

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Hi there Hannah, and welcome to the forums! I'm Ain!


10 years? ...that's really awesome to hear! I, as you can see from my account, played Neopets for little over a year. I really enjoy playing Neopets, and also being on forums too! My dream pet would be a Draik too if not for my many Kacheeks and Shoyru I adopted. :D


I hope you like it here at the forums! :D

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I'm Jess. Another Long Neopets player? That means you must be OLDER THAN ME! *Adds you to my "older than me" list*. I see so many adults here, I feel so young when I'm 15.



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