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Does anyone know how to remove that ugly shop link bar from the top of your shop?


I've tried a few codes going around, but nothing's happening with it. =/


hmmm...ill see what i can do...


EDIT: YAY!! I got it!


div img { display: none; }


That should do it :P


Hmm...it's not working. I think it would've been one of the ones I've tried before.


Thanks for helping, though. :)


It works fine for me...you have that same code on your shop and it works...maybe its your computer...


I smell myself a rat. Something's wrong with my computer, then. *sigh*


Thanks for that, guys. :)


Edit: Something is definitely wrong. I can see the navigation in both FF AND IE. <_<


hmmm... I tried that code in my shop and it did nothing...


Maybe it's a "logged into neo" thing? Like how if you're logged into myspace you see a crappy page that isn't really your profile, but everyone else can only see your profile...or if you're logged into flickr and you can see your private pics but nobody else can. Maybe they think you need the navigation tools?


I'm not sure how specific you want it, but I'm running Windows XP, and viewing the page on Firefox 2 and IE...9?


And I'm not sure what you mean, exactly, but I've tried logging in & out, and clearing cookies. No luck. =/


I meant like maybe it's only visible to you. Like if everybody on neo covered it in their shops so SHOPPERS can't see it...maybe the shop OWNERs would all still see if cos they are logged in and own that shop...I dunno just a theory. Cos I can't see it in your shop either :)


It it works on the Html i wont see it YAY. if its on the flash site i will. BOO!!!!!!!!!!!


You could try creating an alternate account to see your shop. Then you won't have to rely on other's to tell you what your shop looks like.


Edit: Dillon's right. It only shows up on flash versions.


So if i post that code in my shop and i am running flash one it will show up????


There is a way to remove it when running Flash on the site, it is a little trickier though. I figured it out once, I just have to find out how I did it...


EDIT: I don't think its possible anymore because of the added security on the site... :( Only on Flash though on HTML you can :)


Yea but i was asking in a question.

So if i post that code in my shop and i am running flash one it will show up????

Yes, I believe so. That code only removes the bar if you (or whoever is viewing your shop) are viewing the site with the HTML, rather than flash.

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