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Hey everyone, I'm Mel and have been playing neopets for a bit over 7 years now. Figure it's about time I join a forum related to it :P found this forum through the wonderful site itself of course. Unfortunately I got my first two accounts froze, but I came back with the permanent account I have now, though I do have a couple older accounts remaining. Outside of neopets I'm dedicated to school, equestrian sports, and freshwater fish keeping. Yeah... not too good with introductions lol but I tried :) looking forward to getting to know the members here. ^^

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Hi Mel! I'm Natalie and i'm also a long term player of Neopets (9 years!) I hope you enjoy your time here, really i feel that communities such as the one here are what makes Neopets much more fun. Everyone is super helpful and lovely :)


I also keep fish, i have a little betta fish (which i got first, then found out its not just agressive to other betta fish but also to other fish!) and a little sucking catfish. the people said they should get on.. but i every now and then see the betta fish chasing the other one about. bleh.


and i love to bake, *gives gingerbread men and cookies*

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Hello there Zorse, and welcome to the forums! I'm Ain!


Glad to see that you are still playing Neopets even though your first two accounts froze! I only (technically) played Neopets for about a year now, and I'm already enjoying it. ...wowza! Awesome Draiks and Unis you have there!


Anyways, I hope you like it here at the forums! *gives you a carrot* :D

Like a rabbit.

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Hey there, welcome the TDN Zorse! I'm Neomysterion, and I've been on Neopets for almost a decade, and I like to raise Limited Edition Neopets on my account. If you have any questions, that's what us staff members are there for. Hope you have fun over here, everyone at TDN is nice and helpful! :king:


P.S.: I also enjoyed watching FLCL when [adult swim] aired it, that's one of my favourite animes to watch.

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Wow thanks for the quick welcomes guys! :D It's good to meet you three, I can already tell I'm going to like it here. ^^ Thank you Ain, I've gotten quite lucky the past year in being able to obtain my dream pets!


Natalie betta fish are great! I've always wanted one but unfortunately they aren't compatible with the cichlids I keep. It sounds like you may have an oto catfish? Or perhaps a pleco? I have a group of otos in one of my tanks and keep bristlenose plecos in the rest of my tanks. ^^ I know what you mean about the chasing, my cichlids sometimes decide they're going to chase around their tank mates for no apparent reason.


*munches on carrot, gingerbread, and cookies* hehe :D

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Hey there Zorse!


I'm new to TDN Forums too but have been on Neopets for almost ten years! Just wanted to say "Hello!" to a fellow Equestrian! Hope you have fun with everyone here. :-)

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Hey, I'm Jess. I meet so many people on this site that have been on Neopets longer than me... which probably makes them older than me. Unless you were about 7 or something. I was 13 when I joined, and I'm nearly 15...

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hahaha i just went and looked for the receipt, its a bristlenosed pleco, i think i got the shyest one, i hardly ever see it, even when i had taken the betta fish out for a few days to help fix his fins (swims too much and tears them being a show off) all the other plecos in the store seem to be sucking madly on any available surface :P


fish are addictive, i went and bought him and all the stuff, and then found out its probably too cold where i live (the pet shop people said it would be fine.. it wasn't) so ended up going to buy a larger tank/heater/pump <_<


and then i thought he would be lonely so i got the other fish, but i think i will have to stop there, i want neon tetras but after some research i think they may not get on with the betta (i thought he was a easy going fish!! but when he thinks i'm not looking he's teasing the pleco!) so i'll have to buy another tank.


i've ridden horses like 4 times? i would love to have done equestrian sports, but horses are so very expensive, my friend boards hers, its alot of money, but she loves her horse!


lately there have been alot of long term neo players joining, :) i have to ask, what is FLCL?

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Thanks! Nice to meet you guys! :) I joined when I was 10 and will turn 18 soon. I'm glad to see another equestrian on here ^^


They sure are addictive lol! I started off with one tank, didn't have any plans at all for any more, and now my room is filled with them xD. I have a very shy bristlenose too, he tries to hide all the time. He finally came out today to scrub the walls but then the featherfin catfish in the tank chased him back into hiding -__-. Your betta might be fine with the neon tetras if you get a school since they would be like dither fish, but yeah you never know. It sounds like your betta is like a kribensis I have... supposed to be community friendly but isn't. D:


I love riding and my horses so I don't mind the money put toward them. ^^ You can always start a sport when you get older if you want, lots of people do so, it's never too late. :yes:


FLCL is a name of my favorite ever anime. IMO it's pretty amazing, but doesn't fit everyone's taste.

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Hi Zorse! And yes, awesome anime, awesome Avi. FLCL is a very defined taste indeed, and having to do a lot with one's sense of perverse humor.


I'm glad to see a fellow anime/neopets addict :)


I am LizyMarie, and I am fairly new as well, but have been playing for about 10+ years.

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