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Oh gosh, my boyfriend is about to make his own neopets account and I'm kinda nervous! As long as I've been talking to him I've mentioned playing neopets and he knows it takes up a lot of my free time. I guess my constant blathering about it has made him curious enough to start his own account. I'm a bit embarrassed about it now and worried that he'll hate it and forever make fun of me because of it. Has anyone else introduced someone to Neopets and been nervous about it? Can you remember your first impression of the site? I personally remember being introduced to it by a crush I had in 6th grade. Haha.

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I was really young when I started it. I just remember that my impression was that it looked like fun but I could never figure out what the draw was. I didn't know about avatars, restocking, or anything like that.


I've introduced a lot of people to it but I'm never really nervous about their reaction. Some have liked and some haven't. If they like it, awesome. If they don't, well that's okay. Different interests and all that. At least I got a referral. ;) If your boyfriend makes fun of you forever then he's not very nice. :P

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I remember being so confused about everything! Buying food was confusing too so I was a constant visitor of the Soup Faerie (ah, dear soup faerie. How i miss you and your wonderful free soups).

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Aw :P If he's interested enough to make his own account then I doubt he'll make fun of you for it hun. Mine made his account a few months ago and actually really enjoys it. He's 25 and a complete blokey bloke so it came as a bit of a shock; he didn't play when he was younger either :P


I think it'll be all good sweetie :)

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Oh my gosh! I didn't figure out how to properly work my show or gallery until 2 years ago. Haha. And i didnt really start using the Shop wizard until early last year so sometimes my items would be horribly under-priced. I remember selling a grape slurpship for 5000np and cried when i saw it sold for upwards of 25000!


Thanks, Saxen. That's reassuring. And I love how you called your boyfriend a "blokey bloke", haha.


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Well, that's how he see's himself. I know he's a big old softie but he likes to think he's Mr. Masculine XD as the girlfriend it's my responsibility to humor him when it comes to these things :P

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I've never introduced anyone. All my friends are either hardcore nerds (Starcraft, etc) or not really Internet people. I've got some dirt on them if they wanted to make fun of me for it ( ;) ), but mostly I just don't think they'd be interested.


I hope your boyfriend has a great time and sticks around, though.

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Ah, the role of the girlfriend is a complicated one ;D I often find myself stroking his ego to keep him happy. And both me and my boyfriend used to play Rift and World of Warcraft, he's m,ore hardcore than i ever was, though. I really just collected pets in those games >.>

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I make my friends sign up all the time. If it's something you enjoy, don't be embarrassed about it! Make sure he uses your referral link :)

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Ahh I introduced my boyfriend to neopets about one month ago, mainly because he wanted to see what I was spending all my time on...and he wasn't all that interested until he found Blumaroo's and then just fell in love with them! I just bought some of the key quest plushies and he made me buy a blumaroo for him :P He's 20 by the way (and a starcraft nerd!)...and although he isn't on neopets as often as I, he does his dailies when I'm over at his house (or he's at mine) and sometimes I catch him online when I'm not there (I don't think he knows I can see when he is online :P)


But I do understand the nervousness! I didn't know if he'd love it or hate it, and to be honest he still does make fun of me, but in a cute way :) So don't worry about it, and it will be fun to watch all the newbie mistakes he makes (that I still seem to make all the time..) and help him out.

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Last year when I joined (after years of being absent from the site), I'd coaxed my boyfriend into joining. He played for a grand total of 2 days. LOL


I wasn't really nervous about him not liking it. We both play games that the other isn't quite interested in (I have my Neopets and various fighter-style games...he has his Oblivion, Command and Conquer and the like), but we both have games we like playing with the other too, so it all works out. :)

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I got introduced to Neopets in the seventh grade by one of my friends. The funny thing is that she stopped playing not long after while I continued. :laughingsmiley: I tried to convince her to come back but it was no use.


I also tried to convince my boyfriend to play (i thought it would be really cute if he did) but all he did was make an account and then leave it. So much for that. <_<


And I'm pretty sure he won't make fun of you. If he made his own account out of curiosity, I'm pretty sure he won't. :)

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It's really cool hearing that other people have introduced their boyfriends to neopets. I wonder if the roles have ever been reversed and a guy introduced his girlfriend instead? XD And as for poking fun, he already makes fun of me for playing this. He jokes that I secretly love it more than him, lol.

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I introduced a friend to it and wasn't nervous or anything. I liked showing her why I enjoyed it so much. She still has her account but probably only goes on it a couple of times a month. I did try to get my mum into it when I was younger but she wasn't the slightest bit interested. <_<

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I started playing when I was 11 after I saw the girl next to me playing it and thought it looked like fun because it meant I could play free online games but seeing your boyfriend isn't an 11 year old girl, he probably wouldn't think the same as I did.

I did try and introduce it to my cousin and she just laughed at me.


But it's fine, he must have some idea of what the site is already and he hasn't made fun of you yet so he probably will leave you alone.

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Oh, Balthamel, so close to roping her in! The site is pretty darn confusing and insanely time consuming. I felt like a lost little girl when i took a break for a couple of years and then came back. And I was joking yesterday about how I need more time in a day to do everything I want to do. I;m sure that if she got used to it she'd probably love it though. :D

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I hope your boyfriend enjoys the site!


I believe I started playing when my family first got a computer (I was 8 or 9) and my older sister would play on neopets. I never knew what it was but just because she played it I wanted to as well. Although I did not understand how to play at that age, I loved the website.

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