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'Ello thar.


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I've been a member of TDN for a while to keep up with my avatar collecting but only now have I chosen to join the forums. d:

My name is Chilly, and my neo username is chillingpenguin. I'm sitting at 201 avatars right now, upon reaching my goal of 200 last night when I was lent ZDAP.


Anyways, looking forward to hopefully meeting some friends. ;D

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You'll be in great company over here at The Daily Neopets, Chilly. By the way, I'm Neomysterion (or Neo for short), and I'm one of the Moderators over here at the forum. Any questions should be forwarded to me or another staff member, and I'll be looking forward to make your acquaintance.


By the way, I'm currently at 216 when it comes to avatars, though I'm not too huge into collecting them.

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Hey Chilly!


Welcome to the forums :) Congrats on making 200 avatars! I'm a fellow avvie collector myself, rebuilding on a new main. I have 208 (I think?) atm though I used to have 273 :( It's hard work but I lubb collecting :D


Nice to meet you and have fun here ^^


Saxen x

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Thanks, you guys!


Neo; I wasn't big into avatar collecting either but then I just started...I think it's the only thing keeping me on Neopets. xD

Saxen; I'll try to catch up to you. d: I'm sorry about whatever made you lose your 273 account though.

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